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What is Numerology? and What Does it Mean for You?

Acharya Purohit
What is Numerology? and What Does it Mean for You?

Numerology is a tool that relates numbers to our characteristics, behaviors, and life experiences. And how every aspect of our lives link to these numbers. Many ancient civilizations like the Indian, Chinese, and Greeks have explored Mathematics’s realms and understood this mystical connection.

Numerology and the Cultures

For ages, mathematicians and numerologists have been working on numbers and symbols, trying to decrypt the mysteries of nature. Each scholar introduced their methods and ideas, formulating different types of numerology. The East Asian Cultures use numerology for a variety of things, while for the Western cultures, name numerology is quite popular.

You may find that every numerology horoscope is a little different from the others. That’s because each of the numerology systems understands the numbers differently.

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How does Numerology Work?

Like complex mathematical formulas, numerology works on certain principles. Principles that attribute each digit to energy, which in turn affect our lives. Although each system understands numbers differently, they share a common principle Energy.

Know Numerology Chart

As every numerology system is a little different, one must understand the principles to understand the results. One should be able to deduce the attributes that drive and derive a numerology chart. Though Pythagoras’s theories lay the field for modern numerology, various historical records link numerology to thousands of years ago.

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1. Chaldean Numerology

The Chaldean system goes back to the days of Babylon. The times when numerology was often related to astrology. According to the Chaldean system, each digit represents a personality trait. It follows a name numerology chart that maps each alphabet to a digit (1-8), and the results are understood based on the name.

In Chaldean Numerology, Digit 9 bears a holy significance. It isn’t popular as it is a fairly complex system to understand. Single digits represent a person’s outer personality, while the double digits express the inner personality.

Read the Astrology & Numerology Full Article on our Website

2. Kabbalah Numerology

The Kabbalah Numerology readings are based on Jewish culture and Hebrew literature. This numerology system is usually used for understanding the future and current life events of a person.

The Kabbalah understands the universe in the form of energies and vibrations. It uses ‘Tree of life,’ which is a graphical representation of various universal forces. And use these forces and diagrams to calculate their effect on a person’s life.

Alike, the Chaldean system, each alphabet is represented by a number, and each of these numbers corresponds to a set of qualities and behaviors. Also, each of the digits corresponds to a planet or sun/moon.

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3. Vedic Numerology

Finding its roots in the land of ‘Zero,’ Vedic Numerology is also known as Indian Numerology. Known to be among the oldest numerology systems, the Vedic Numerology uses the digits 1-9. And, each of these numbers holds a special meaning.

The Vedic Numerology Horoscope works with 3 numbers - Psychic Number, Name Number, and Destiny Number. These numbers together form an essential component of Indian Astrology. As they individually represent certain characteristics of a person, together can be used to draft a horoscope.

Read the House Number Full Article on our Website

4. Pythagorean numerology

The Pythagorean Numerology method was developed by the renowned Greek philosopher Pythagoras. This numerology is highly popular in western cultures. According to Pythagoras, every number portrays specific energy.

The energy that mends and drives our lives and experiences. As per his system, these energies can be both positive and negative. And so, the horoscope is based on a combination of various numbers and energy interactions. Using the numbers 1-9, everything can be expressed in the form of formulae and expressions.

Read the Karmic Numbers Full Article on our Website

5. Other Numerology Methods

Apart from the popular ones, there are some less renowned number systems. Abracadabra, for example, bases its results on a person’s name. The name is then used with a series of triangles to draft the name numerology chart.

Read the Life Path Number Full Article on our Website

How is Numerology related?

From the moment you are born, numbers become a part of your life. There are your birth date and time, coordinates to your birthplace, weight, and so on. Hence, it wouldn’t be wrong to think if these numbers affect you in some way. Numerology is based on predictive calculations and understanding how energies interact.

When a person is born, the universe is in some state of energy. And this somehow governs a person’s behavioral, physical, and emotional traits.

Numbers are just a way to understand these energies and get a glimpse of how they affect one’s life. Numerology is all about acknowledging these driving forces and mending one’s way through the journey.

Read the Master Number Full Article on our Website

The Essence of Numerology

The Indian Numerology system is in sync with astrology and ancient Vedic practices. According to this system, there are primary 3 numbers that influence a person’s life.

1. Psychic Number

As the name suggests, the psychic number expresses the basic personality traits of a person. It plays a crucial role in influencing one’s interests, ambitions, perception about oneself. It is mostly related to your instincts and how you interact or respond in general scenarios.

The psychic number is derived from the birth date. Each psychic number corresponds to a set of attributes and gives a holistic view of the subject’s nature. It helps you look within and know about your true self.

Read the Missing Number Full Article on our Website

2. Destiny Number

The number represents the characteristics of your life. It indicates how your life would be. The destiny number accounts for your karmas and the things the universe would present to you as life goes on. It is used to understand and know about life experience one should expect.

The life path number showcases the opportunities and challenges you may encounter. Thus, giving you a chance to be prepared as they come. Calculating it is pretty simple, add up all the numbers of the birth date.

Although both psychic and destiny numbers play an important role in understanding a person’s life, destiny number bears a higher significance in influencing one’s life path.

Read the Numerology Numbers Full Article on our Website

3. Name Number

The name number is related to one’s relationships and compatibility. It helps in identifying if someone would have a positive or negative influence on a person’s life. Each character is associated with energy and frequency. Thus there is no direct way to calculate this.

But, each frequency has an underlying value that is added up to attain the overall Name number. There are many Name numerology calculators in Indian that can help you find your name number.

Numerologists that claim to be the best online numerologist can be found online.

To begin with, you must determine which numerology types they prescribe. We offer a free numerology calculator to help you discover types of numerology numbers and new information about yourself.

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Acharya Purohit
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