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The insiders guide to choosing an accredited engineering colleges

The insiders guide to choosing an accredited engineering colleges

The website of an institution clearly tells you whether an institution is accredited.

It is the UGC that decided from the year 2013 that accreditation for higher education institutions is mandatory.

It is a quality assurance process for educational institutions.

This is a certification that helps institutions and colleges attain their goals by meeting guidelines and standards.

For a college to be accredited,  they have to pass through a lot of quality checks.

In India, some of the accreditation organizations approved by the government of India are;

  • All India Council of Technical Education
  • Professional councils
  • National Assessment and Accreditation Councils
  • Distance Education Bureau

After you finish a course in an accredited college, students are given good job profiles compared to students who study in colleges that are not accredited.

If students study in an accredited college, it automatically means that the institution is of a higher caliber and of a good standard.

The accredited college measures a student’s performance based on skills, attitude, and knowledge.  This evaluation automatically means the students who pass out from accredited colleges are much better candidates for the corporate world than others.

If you join an accredited college, you can trust it blindly and get in because the certification that is accredited is from the best accreditation organizations in India.

Accreditations not only help colleges and institutions, but it also helps students to appear for state-level and national-level examinations. To improve their learning standards and receive the best education, students must enroll in an AICTE-approved colleges in Chennai 

Whether it is for an engineering course or any other course, joining an accredited college is important.

There is a possibility that students can get financial aid from accredited colleges. Financial aid can be in the form of bank loans and scholarships and more.

These are the main benefits of accreditation;

  • Creates goals for colleges for self-improvement and growth.
  • Students trust the college that is accredited which improves the enrolment rate
  • Accreditation determines whether an institution is meeting educational standards
  • It also enables graduates to appear for other important exams
  • Also helps employers judge a student’s standard if they are from an accredited college


As an Anna University affiliated college, RIT is a leading engineering college in Chennai and Tamil Nadu that provides high-quality education to students.

We at RIT believe in thinning ignorance by imparting knowledge and fostering the spirit of research. We also believe in providing quality technical education that lays emphasis on knowledge and many other things that are important in shaping our society 

Some of the best engineering-accredited colleges in India and NAAC-accredited colleges in Chennai are 

-          NIT Trichy

-          IIT, Guwahati

-          IIT Madras

-          IIT Bombay

-          Bits Pilani

-          IIT Kharagpur

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