Two of the main requirements of recording music are - headphones and a microphone. So, if you’re passionate about music, you already know this. The only thing you need to decide is which is the best of all? Knowing how to record, mix and master music are one part of grabbing the best opportunities, but when they’re combined with a high-quality set of headphones and condenser microphone, expectations are parred. This article is all about answering commonly asked questions such as the best studio headphones for mixing, what is a condenser microphone etc.
Many people get this common question while setting up a home studio and using monitors to mix their music, are headphones viable when mixing and mastering? Well, standard practice to mix and master music utilizes monitors. However, the modern headphones are well equipped with improved audio quality and mixing functions. The biggest advantage of using good-quality headphones is that you don’t have to worry about your acoustics distorting the sound. Furthermore, headphones allow you to zoom into a specific sound element that aids best when mixing and mastering the track.
How to figure out which is the best studio headphone for mixing?
The best studio headphone for mixing should be:
People usually wear it for longer hours. Thus, the shape and size of the headphones become a matter of personal choice.
Sets within your budget
Budget is one of the most important factors when it comes to investing in the pair of the best headphones for mixing. The only point to remember here is that you don’t have to spend heavily on getting a great set of headphones.
Accurate sound
The frequency response which directs the accuracy of sound is variable and depends closely on whether the headphones are closed or open back.
The next question might be, which is a better option of the two, closed or opened back headphones? According to standard practices, a closed-back headphone is a better choice for recording as open-back headphones result in sound leakages.
Condenser Microphone
Another important piece in your home studio is the condenser microphone. There are many types of microphones, but each of them has specific uses for creating music in the studio.
What is a condenser microphone?
A condenser microphone is also called a capacitor microphone. The microphone captures sounds caused by the metallic diaphragm movements that fluctuate by the sound waves produced by the singer or instrument. This diaphragm is mounted in front of the static plate (capacitor) that changes because of the movements, resulting in the production of electronic signal broadcasted as sound. This advanced technology design allows the microphone to capture a wide frequency range.
There are two types of condenser microphones, one with a large diaphragm and the second with a smaller diaphragm. A large diaphragm microphone is well suited for times when picking up low-end frequencies with high sensitivity. At the same time, a small diaphragm condenser microphone is useful for higher frequencies. For instance, to record acoustic guitar, a small diaphragm condenser microphone will be ideal. In contrast, to record drums, a large-diaphragm microphone may sound more professional.
The ultimate vote for choosing the best studio headphones for mixing lies in your hand. Also, now that you know what a condenser microphone is, you can dig deep into the feasible options. To read more about condenser microphones and headphones for mixing, go to Audio Egghead’s popular guides, “What Is A Condenser Microphone? 7 Common Questions Answered” and “10 of the Very Best Studio Headphones for Mixing: Take Your Music to the Next Level."
Source URL: https://www.audioegghead.com/best-studio-headphones/