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Get Help For Cancer Treatment in Mumbai - Cancer Surgery Clinic

Cancer Surgery Clinic
Get Help For Cancer Treatment in Mumbai - Cancer Surgery Clinic

Cancer Surgery Clinic offers personalized treatment, empowerment, education, and counseling in Mumbai to both patients and their families and helps them to fight this battle of cancer in better ways. At Cancer Surgery Clinic we understand that cancer is a disease that can break the patient and his family physically, mentally as well as financially. If you are looking for the best cancer treatments in Mumbai, then Cancer Surgery Clinic by Dr. Ganesh Nagarajan is the best option for the treatment.

Cancer Treatments in Mumbai at Cancer Surgery Clinic

The goal of cancer treatment is to achieve a cure for cancer, thereby allowing patients to live a normal life span. If a complete cure is not possible, the treatment will be utilized to shrink the tumor or slow down the growth of cancer, enabling patients to live symptom-free life for as long as possible. The following treatments may be used by our Oncology team:

Types of Cancer Treatments

Primary treatment - the goal is to completely remove cancer from the patient’s body or kill all the cancer cells. The most common primary treatment for cancer is surgery. If the cancer is responsive to radiation therapy or chemotherapy, the care team may suggest one of these as the primary treatment for cancer.

Adjuvant treatment - the goal is to destroy cancer cells that may remain after the primary treatment. This may reduce the chances of cancer reoccurring. Common adjuvant treatments include chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and hormone therapy. Neoadjuvant treatment is similar but it is performed before the primary treatment to make the primary treatment easier and more effective.

Palliative treatment - the goal is to help with the side effects of treatment or signs/symptoms of cancer itself. Surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy are used to relieve symptoms. Other medications are also used for relieving symptoms such as shortness of breath, pain, etc. Palliative treatment may also be used along with other cancer treatments.

Source: Where Can We Get Help For Cancer Treatment in Mumbai?

Cancer Surgery Clinic
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