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The traditional route of yoga teacher training India

Freya Florence
The traditional route of yoga teacher training India

When training to choose yoga as a career you have to consider many vital factors. The most important of these factors is the foundation of your yoga teacher training in India. The face of yoga training has changed vitally over the years. Where once you had no option but to learn under a guru in treacherous climates for more than 15-20 years, the tradition has now come down to one month to six months' worth of training under reputed studios. The traditional route of yoga teacher training India is not the only one available for eminent yoga teachers. With the advent of technological tools such as web 2.0 and yoga websites, you can also consider online teacher training for your yoga career. However, each of these routes has their own advantages and disadvantages.


While both traditional and online yoga school in India have their advantages, they differ greatly in the intensity of training that you can acquire. For some people, online training just does not prove to be as effective because they need an interactive session with a teacher to understand the efficacies of an asana. With online training, you will also find it difficult to understand the various levels of a pose, how to make it more challenging or reduce its level for new students. These kinds of information are vital to thorough yoga teacher training in Goa.


Whether you are a beginner, an intermediate or an advanced level student before you start training to become a yoga teacher, it will play a huge role in the kind of training that best suits your interest. For instance, at a fair beginner level, online training might confuse you or you might find it too complex to keep up with it. However, at an advanced level, you might find various online training not only interactive but also a lesson in how to run your own practice once you get going with Yoga as a career.

Freya Florence
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