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Stackable guides

One of the most advanced and utmost comprehensive clinical masterclasses dedicated to immediate full-arch rehabilitation by means of state-of-the-art digital and guided workflows. After the 2-days intensive masterclass, the participant will master full jaw rehabilitations using the most advanced and complex stackable guides .

ourse highlights

1st day:


• Implant selection and treatment planning, literature overview

• Cross-arch surgical and prosthetic treatment options

• Patient preparation for 3D Image acquisition


• Initiation to guided surgery protocols.

• Guided implant insertion, Stackable guides

2nd day:

Live surgery on real patient:

-Supervised cross-arch rehabilitation on real patient; from immediate implant placement to instant temporization.


Enrollment capacity: 3 seats

Stackable Guides was developed for a simple yet comprehensive surgical planning systems to evaluate, prepare, and place implants in the ideal locations demo the anatomical and final restorative standpoint.

Using a bone reduction guide and a stackable drill guide will make a ... Program and start offering implant services to your patients.

Due to a limited seating capacity, and the performance of our best-selling course, places tend to fill up quickly therefore, it is advised to book your seat at the earliest.

At SGT Dental Surgical Guides, we specialize in implant planning and the fabrication of surgical guides for dental professionals.

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