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The Execution Of Data Loss Prevention Must Be Centred On Data Classification

Pooja salve
The Execution Of Data Loss Prevention Must Be Centred On Data Classification

Pay close attention to the type of sensitive information your business handles and the ways in which it moves from one system to another before deploying a Data Loss Prevention solution. Determine the channels through which information is sent to its users to learn about the data repositories and transmission routes. Label sensitive data with terms like "employee data," "intellectual property," and "financial data" to classify it. Examine and document each data egress point. It's possible that organisational procedures are not always well-documented, and not all data migration is done on a regular basis.

Deep packet content inspection and contextual security analysis of transactions (attributes of originator, data object, medium, timing, recipient/destination, etc.) are used to identify, monitor, and protect data in use (e.g. endpoint actions), data in motion (e.g. network actions), and data at rest (e.g. data storage) within a centralised management framework. The purpose of data loss prevention tools is to identify and stop the transmission and use of NSS data by unauthorised parties.

Data security can be categorised and given a priority using DLP solutions. These solutions can also be used to guarantee that access policies adhere to legal requirements such as HIPAA, GDPR, and PCI-DSS. Data Loss Prevention tools can also do more than just detect; they can also alert users, impose encryption, and isolate data.

Additional characteristics of DLP solutions include:

·      Monitoring - reveal who is logging into what systems and data, and from where

·      Filtering- Data streams can be filtered to limit suspicious or unknown behaviour.

·      Reporting- Logging and reporting are useful for responding to incidents and doing audits.

·      Analysis- find flaws and questionable behaviour, and give security teams forensic context

Read More- http://latestcmiblogs.weebly.com/article/defining-data-loss-prevention-dlp-as-a-set-of-products-strategies-technologies-and-techniques-to-ensure-sensitive-or-critical-data-does-not-leave-the-organization

Pooja salve
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