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Is Winter a Good Time for Tree Care?

Five Star Tree Services
Is Winter a Good Time for Tree Care?

Once winter rolls around, gardening or tree care probably isn't on your mind. But were you aware that winter is actually the perfect time for tree care? This makes winter the busiest time for tree care companies. But we are also busy from spring through till the fall as well.  

Tree Services That Are Completed During the Winter 

There are many services that are best done in the winter and our professional arborists are busy going all over Richmond Hill and the GTA. We would recommend doing the following tree care services in the winter:  

Forest work- things like trail clearing and plantation thinning are way easier to do in the winter. This is because the ground is frozen and hard, preventing forest damage. For instance, creating ruts from logs and heavy machinery is virtually impossible with the frozen ground. Spring is the worst time for these things. Animal nests are also more easily disturbed. We recommend that any forest work that needs to be done be completed before nesting season stars.  

Tree removal- again, with the frozen ground, this makes things like tree removal less damaging to the surrounding ground. Trees afflicted with disease are also best removed during the winter to prevent cross-contamination.  

Tree pruning- pruning during a trees dormant stage is best for the tree. This helps them to be better equipped to manage their energy when spring comes around.  


Read More: https://www.fivestartreecare.ca/blog/is-winter-a-good-time-for-tree-care/  

How We Can Help  

If you need Toronto Tree Care Services, contact our company today! You can go to our website to learn more about all our services. Give us a call if you have any questions!  

Five Star Tree Services
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