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Manufacturing sourcing Consultants In India – Industry Experts

Industry Experts
Manufacturing sourcing Consultants In India – Industry Experts

Industry Experts is an India-based manufacturing sourcing company and procurement offshoring, consultant. It specializes in offshore company setup in India. We have a business platform that aims to facilitate companies to set up their offshore facilities in India. They provide offshoring, contract manufacturing, and manufacturing sourcing solutions. We offer a wide variety of services required to set up full-fledged manufacturing offshore like feasibility studies, location identification and selection, banking and finance, and many more services.

Industry Experts is a business platform that aims to facilitate companies to set up their offshore facilities in India. They provide offshoring, contract manufacturing, and manufacturing sourcing solutions. We offer a wide variety of services required to set up full-fledged manufacturing offshore like feasibility studies, location identification and selection, banking and finance, and many more services.

Serving a variety of industries like apparel and fashion accessories, sports equipment, toys, health care equipment, and many more fields. With a global reach of more than 20 countries including the USA, Canada, UK, France, Australia, etc. Our in-house team of specialists is connected with various national and international consultants to offer the best in class service. Our far-reaching network and access to the latest trends make us an ideal partner for setting up your offshore enterprise.

Connect with Industry Experts for making informed choices intelligently

  • Recommendation for feasibility
  • At par with global standards
  • A transparent and clear approach
  • Compliance with all the rules and regulations

Industry Experts
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