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10 Supplements Vitamins and to Boost Your Metabolism

10 Supplements Vitamins and to Boost Your Metabolism

As we get older, our metabolism slows down. We start to put on weight, and it becomes increasingly difficult to lose it. While there are many factors that contribute to this decrease in metabolism, one of the most common culprits is a lack of vitamins and minerals. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the best supplements to increase your metabolism and help you lose weight. From B-12 to magnesium, read on to learn which supplements can help you achieve your goals.

What are the best supplements for boosting metabolism?

There are many supplements and vitamins to boost metabolism that have been claimed to help boost metabolism. However, only a few of these supplements have been properly studied and proven to be effective. Here are the best supplements for boosting your metabolism:

1. Hoodia Gordonii: Hoodia is a plant from South Africa that has been traditionally used to improve appetite control and weight loss. Several studies have now shown that hoodia can also help increase your metabolic rate. A 2008 study found that obese subjects who took 300 mg of hoodia daily for 8 weeks lost more weight and had increased energy levels than those who did not take hoodia. Another study in 2009 showed that overweight women who supplemented with hoodia lost more weight and had improved blood sugar control than those who did not supplement.

2. Green tea extract: Several studies have found that green tea extract can help you lose weight by increasing your metabolic rate and decreasing your appetite. In a 2003 study, obese women who drank green tea extract for 6 months lost an average of 3 pounds each. A 2006 study found that people who supplemented with green tea extract lost more weight than those who did not supplementation over 12 weeks.

3. Caffeine: Caffeine is a natural stimulant that is often recommended as a way to increase your metabolism. In fact, many experts believe that caffeine helps you burn more calories at rest by increasing your fat oxidation (the process by which energy is burned). A 2008 study found that caffeine helped obese men lose more weight

How do vitamins and minerals help to boost metabolism?

Vitamins and minerals are essential for the body to function properly. They help to boost metabolism by helping the body to use energy more efficiently. Vitamins and minerals also help to maintain a healthy immune system and keep bones strong. Taking supplements can help to optimize your metabolic rate, so you can lose weight and feel more energetic.

What are the side effects of taking supplements for boosting metabolism?

Side effects can include nausea, diarrhea, and stomach pain. Some people also experience mood changes, such as feeling anxious or irritable. More serious side effects—such as liver damage, heart problems, and thyroid problems—are rare but should be reported to a doctor.

What should you avoid when taking supplements for boosting metabolism?

Some supplements that have been touted as effective for boosting metabolism are actually not very good for you and may even be harmful. In fact, there are many supplements that should not be taken at all because they can have dangerous side effects.

Below are some of the worst supplements for boosting metabolism:

1. Green tea extract: Green tea is a popular product touted for its ability to boost metabolism. However, research shows that green tea extract can actually have negative consequences on your health, including causing liver damage and increasing your risk of cancer. Therefore, avoid taking green tea supplements if you want to maintain a healthy metabolism.

2. Caffeine: Caffeine is a stimulant that has been shown to boost metabolism in some people, but it also has negative effects on your health, such as raising blood pressure and causing anxiety and panic attacks. If you're looking to boost your metabolism with caffeine, try alternative methods like exercise or reducing sugar intake instead.

3. Garcinia Cambogia: This weight loss supplement is often claimed to help increase metabolism by decreasing food cravings and promoting fat burning. However, there is little evidence that garcinia cambogia actually works this way and it may even be unsafe due to potential side effects like liver toxicity and rhabdomyolysis (a muscle problem). Therefore, don't waste your money on this supplement – instead focus on eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly for optimal results.


It can be difficult to make healthy choices when it comes to our diets, but that doesn't mean we have to sacrifice our metabolism. In fact, by taking supplements and vitamins that help promote healthy metabolism, we can increase the chances of burning calories throughout the day and reaching our fitness goals. Not sure which supplements and vitamins might help boost your metabolism? Check out this list of 10 items that are known to support a healthy metabolic rate.

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