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The Top 4 Digital Marketing Institute in India

ankita biswas
The Top 4 Digital Marketing Institute in India

1.Academy of Digital marketing

Students at Academy of Digital Marketing learn how to successfully plan, use the appropriate resources, collaborate marketing abilities, convey the plan, and carry out digital marketing for their company. Digital Marketing is the current course in digital marketing institute in India.

Course cost: N/A

Digital/web marketing for the twenty-first century strategy preparation Allocate funds for digital, social, content, mobile, affiliate, email, mobile websites, mobile marketing, inbound marketing principles, content management (including content creation), video marketing & optimization, Word press & CMS, search engines, etc.

2. Internet Academy

The Web and IT businesses have significant relationships with Internet Academy which is one of the digital marketing institute in India, which offers courses in digital marketing. It is the first training facility in Bangalore that is both an authorized Android ATC training facility and a W3Member. Digital Marketing is the current course.

The course costs Rs. 20,000.

Content of the course includes topics like SEO, web marketing, Google Search Console, email marketing, social media, remarketing, measurement, data analysis, and more.

Course cost: N/A

Digital/web marketing for the twenty-first century strategy preparation Allocate funds for digital, social, content, mobile, affiliate, email, mobile websites, mobile marketing, inbound marketing principles, content management (including content creation), video marketing & optimization, Word press & CMS, search engines, etc.


eMArket Education offers a three-month course in digital marketing that emphasizes in-depth practical sessions and on-the-job assistance for its students. Digital Marketing is the current course in this digital marketing institute in India.

Fee for the course: Rs. 50000

Content of the course includes SEO, blogging, Google AdWords, SMM, and more.

4. Chee-ron’s

Chee-ron is a pioneer in using real-world experience as a teaching tool to give students practical instruction to learn digital marketing. Various training techniques and a personalized curriculum are only a couple of its distinctive offerings to its students. Digital Marketing is the current course.

Course cost: N/A

Digital marketing fundamentals, a basic understanding of websites, tools used in digital marketing, keywords, competitor analysis, content marketing, search engine optimization, Google Analytics, social media marketing (SMM), search engine marketing (SEM), online reputation management/branding, and more are all covered in this course.

ankita biswas
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