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Teacher Diaries for Early, Primary, and Secondary Teachers

itc publications

Do you want to be an organised teacher?

If so, you must feel enthusiastic to have a companion who can guide you in planning your teaching activities. Teaching is a noble profession. The contributions of teachers in building the future of a child, society, nation, and world are immense.

If you are in the teaching profession and want to have a well-planned approach towards your profession, a teacher diary is your best companion.

What is a teacher diary?

Teacher diary is a tool for planning the teaching process. In a teacher diary, a teacher records the time table, lesson plan, lesson to be taught, lesson taught, students present, what happens in the class, any specific feedback, etc. As per the curriculum, you can customise the teacher diary or you can buy the diary available in the market or on an online shopping platform.

Importance of the teachers diary

Teacher Diaries play an important role in the teaching-learning process.

  • It is effective to plan your teaching with proper objectives.
  • makes a teacher feel confident in his or her class
  • The diary reminds you of the time of classes.
  • It tells you about the teaching and learning outcomes.
  • It acts as an assessment tool.
  • You can note any specific record or feedback of students or parents.
  • You can keep some other records, like meetings, class times, other activities, students' records, etc.

Itcpublication provides you with advanced versions of teachers diaries. The diaries are designed as per the Australian curriculum. It is available in three editions, catering to the needs of early years (F-2), primary (3-6), and secondary (7–12) teachers. After consulting with Australian teachers, educational experts, and Australian educational institutions, the teachers diaries have been incorporated. Thus, to find the best companion for your teaching profession and to save yourself from the sweats of the complexities of teaching-learning activities, take the help of a teacher diary. Read more

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