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Eficaa Ensmart

Technology trends : Smart Grid

Eficaa is ever diligent and constantly innovating to evaluate, adapt and evolve new technology paradigms for deployment in its core focus areas.

Electricity - Availability, Accessibility, Affordability, and Assurance for Energy Access makes the operators innovate and bring forth the best. A Smart grid system enables new technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and big data to be deployed and function together with other elements of the power system, Volume, Velocity, Variety, Veracity and Value are the five keys to making big data a huge business. The technology helps in responding to constantly changing electricity demand patterns, while improving energy utilisation and reliability of the power system.

In this aspect, Eficaa is currently working on implementing technologies, wherein the various touch points of innovation are:

Communications and Networks: Long Range, Short Range, Hybrid, NBIoT.

AI, ML & NLP Solutions: understanding demand, and generating predictions.

Petabytes Usage: access huge volumes of data from smart metering systems, synchrophasors, smart homes and other sources of data to Predict DR.

Consumer Behaviour Improvement: Improved exchange of real-time data and real-time monitoring of electricity consumption will allow suppliers to access more information on consumer behaviour in relation to electricity prices, along with their exact electricity requirements. It will help utilities plan generation and tariff systems aimed at providing maximum benefit to customers, while increasing profits.

Customer Engagement Increase: consumers can access their consumption and pricing data periodically to offset the usage by prices dependent of TOD/TOU.

Electricity Theft Reduction: monitoring of electricity usage through the real-time exchange of data, helps detect pilferage.

Enhanced Operational Efficiency: Peak and off-peak hours pattern help operational activity to provide uninterrupted supply.

Grid reliability: Cyber Security, Privacy, and Resilience for the Smart Grid Increased incorporation of renewable energy.

Edge Computing: In distributed computing scenarios, the IOT enabled devices Modem, Data concentrator, (Automation components) have the communication processing, storing data, FOTA in devices itself in the network topology to facilitate and as a failover connectivity last mile communication process to make the system robust.

Event Stream Processing: Some IoT applications will generate extremely high data rates that must be analysed in real time. Systems creating tens of thousands of events per second are common, and millions of events per second can occur in some situations.

To address such requirements, distributed stream computing platforms have emerged, that can process very high-rate data streams and perform tasks such as real-time analytics and pattern identification.

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Eficaa Ensmart
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