AI Products 

B2B Email lists

Marketwise Ltd
B2B Email lists

High quality B2B email marketing

Marketwise has over 20 years of experience in email marketing. We can run your email marketing campaign, or you can purchase email list data to integrate into your own marketing platform.  

Critical to our business, is the quality of our email database:

  1. 95% deliverability guaranteed (or we will give you free replacement data)
  2. Over 500 checks on every contact, ensure we get the job, sector and skillset classification right. 
  3. All queries handled personally. 
  4. Free advice, hints and tips to improve your audience customisation

Select B2B contacts by:

  • Job Title - CTO, CEO, "Procurement", "IT Director/Manager"...
  • Market segment - Retailers, Higher Education, Oil & gas, pharmaceuticals... 
  • Skills - IT, Product Management, Big data, marketing, sales... 
  • Countries or regions
  • Company size (by employees)

Special Technology users email lists available:

Choose from 16 key technology skills, such as:

Select the market of interest, such as Pharmaceutical, retailers, hospitality, financial organisations and healthcare. 

Finally, choose the countries of interest and the size of organisations you wish to target. 

Example custom B2B email lists:

Job titles: CTO, VP Technology, Head of Innovation

Markets: Telecoms, technology, software

Countries: North America, Europe and Australia

Size: >50 employee and <10,000

Job titles: “Sustainability” (ie any job title containing the keyword “sustainability”)

Markets: Financials, Retail and Hospitality

Countries: North America, Europe

Size: >250 employee and <5,000

Marketwise Ltd
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