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Conquer the Exam With These Top Books for UPSC Preparation

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Conquer the Exam With These Top Books for UPSC Preparation

Are you appearing for the UPSC exams this year? If you are, it's time to get up and start preparing seriously. You'll need all the help you can get, and that's where these Best Books for UPSC preparation come in.

We've picked some of the best books to help you crack the exams and achieve your dream of becoming an IAS officer. So, what are you waiting for? Start preparing and give yourself the best chance of success!

Overview of the UPSC Exam

The UPSC exam is one of the most well-known examinations in the country. It is an examination that is taken by lakhs of students every year with the hopes of securing a government job. The examination is divided into three stages: Prelims, Mains and Interviews.

The Prelims examination is a written examination that is conducted in two parts: Paper 1 and Paper 2. Paper 1 is an objective type examination that tests the candidates' general knowledge, while Paper 2 is a descriptive type of examination that tests the candidates' writing skills.

The Mains examination is also a written examination that is conducted in five parts: Essay, General Studies – Paper 1, General Studies – Paper 2, Optional Subject – Paper 1 and Optional Subject – Paper 2.

The UPSC Interview is the final stage of the UPSC examination and is conducted by the UPSC Board.

Choosing the Right Study Material for Your Preparation

Selecting the right UPSC Study Material is one of the most important decisions you will make while preparing for the UPSC exam. Not all books are equal, and different books will cater to different needs and learning styles. Here are a few points to help you choose the right book for your preparation:

1. Do your analysis. There are lots of books on the market for UPSC preparation, so take the time to do some analysis and find the best book for your needs.

2. Consider your learning style. Some people learn better from lecturers and textbooks and on the other hand, some learn better from diagrams and graphs. Choose a book that best fits your specific learning style.

3. Pick a book that is up to date. The IAS exam changes every year, so it's important to select a book that is up to date with the latest UPSC syllabus and trends.

4. Choose a book that is detailed. A good UPSC preparation book should cover all types of exams in detail.

5. Read Student reviews online. Before making any purchase for any book, be sure to read reviews online from other students who have used the same book. This will give you a good idea of whether or not the book is right for you.

Best Books for General Studies and Aptitude

You've decided to go for it and take the UPSC exam. Congratulations! But now the question is: where do you start?

There are a lot of books out there for UPSC preparation, and it can be overwhelming to know which ones to choose. That's why we've put together a list of our top five books for general studies and aptitude.

1. The Hindu: This newspaper is a great source of current events and general knowledge. It's updated daily, so you can be sure you're getting the latest news.

2. CSAT General Studies Manual: This book is designed specifically for the CSAT exam, which is one of the exams required to become an IAS officer. It covers a range of topics, from Indian history to current affairs.

3. Lucent's General Knowledge: This book is a classic and for good reason. It's packed with information on a range of topics, from history to science to current affairs.

4. Manorama Yearbook: This book is a must-have for anyone preparing for the UPSC exam. It's packed with information on Indian history, geography, politics and more.

5. Aptitude Test Preparation Guide: This guide covers all aspects of the aptitude test required for UPSC entrance, from verbal reasoning to numerical ability and data interpretation.

Recommended Books for Optional Subjects

If you are planning to choose an optional subject for UPSC, then you must prepare a set of recommended books.

For History, India’s Struggle For Independence by Bipan Chandra and India After Gandhi by Ramchandra Guha are great reads. For Geography, Fundamental of Physical Geography by Goh Cheng Leong is a must-read as it covers all the essential topics.

In Civil Engineering, Civil Engineering Conventional and Objective Type by R.S. Khurmi is ideal for self-study and includes practice questions for a better understanding of the various topics covered in the exam syllabus.

For Psychology, Indian Psychology: An Introduction to Contemporary Problems and Issues is a great book for beginners who want to get familiar with related topics quickly. If you are studying Sociology then go through NCERT’s book on Indian Society which explores the cultural diversity across Indian society. All these books will certainly help you in your journey to conquer the exam!

Top Reference Books for UPSC Exams

If you're looking for books that will provide you with vital information about the syllabus for all three stages of the UPSC exam—the Preliminary, Mains, and Personality Test—then these reference books can be invaluable.

One of the must-haves is the NCERT Books And NIOS Senior Secondary Course Book, which cover all the topics needed to prepare for the Prelims. The NCERT Economics Book is also a great resource, as it provides an in-depth look into economic concepts and policies. For Mains preparation, the IGNOU MA Sociology Books are perfect for learning about Indian Society and Culture.

You should also read up on current affairs by getting a subscription to The Hindu or India Today Magazine. These magazines provide summaries of recent news events and inform you on a variety of topics such as politics, economics and culture.

With a comprehensive range of reference books covering every topic needed to ace your UPSC exam, there’s no excuse not to get out there and start cracking!

Tips for Making the Most Out of Studying With These Books

No matter which book you choose for your UPSC preparation, here are some tips to ensure that you make the most out of your studying.

Firstly, get into the habit of reading books in short intervals. Many students find it difficult to read for long hours, so it’s better to break up your study sessions into manageable chunks and take regular breaks along the way. Secondly, take detailed notes as you read and make sure to review them regularly. This will help you retain more information and keep track of important points. Finally, try practising questions based on what you've studied and worked on improving your accuracy and speed with each test session.

These tips will help you use your books more effectively and achieve your goals with UPSC preparation!


It can be daunting to start preparing for the UPSC exam, but these top books will help you get started. The books are written by experts who have years of experience teaching and mentoring students. The books cover all the topics that you will need to know for the exam.

The books are easy to read and understand, and they will help you improve your test-taking skills. The books are also updated regularly to reflect the latest changes in the exam. Start your preparation today and you will be ready for the exam.

About The Author

Bhavishya Singh Bisht is the author of this new note, He is a professional cartographer who has the expertise to design world maps, he is also the funder of think web a leading digital marketing company in India, I hope you’ll like to read this blog.

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