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What are the Challenges faced by Internet of Things (IoT) Security?

Pooja salve
What are the Challenges faced by Internet of Things (IoT) Security?

Constrained devices are not a suitable fit for security strategies that heavily rely on encryption since they cannot quickly conduct complex encryption and decoding. These defenses with limited resources are especially susceptible to side-channel attacks, and algorithm reverse engineering is feasible. When it comes to protecting Internet of Things (IoT) Security systems and products, device authorization and authentication are essential. Before continuing with gateway access and other cloud-related tasks, they must first prove their identity. Strong passwords or certificates and IoT platforms with two-factor authentication can help to resolve this problem.

Additionally, it's important to manage device updates correctly. Firmware and software security fixes would face a number of difficulties, therefore they must be updated successfully. Some IoT device types might not support air updates. Owners of the devices themselves might not be very interested in updating the software. Additionally, the communication path needs to be protected. It is preferable to use transport encryption and adhere to standards like TLS than to encrypt communications before transfer.

It allows users to authenticate Internet of Things (IoT) Security Devices, manage several users for a single device, and use more secure authentication methods like two-factor authentication, digital certificates, and biometrics in addition to multiple static passwords. Many IoT authentication scenarios are M2M based and do not require human participation, in contrast to the majority of enterprise networks where authentication processes require a person to submit a credential. Baimos Technologies, Covisint, Entrust Datacard, and Gemalto are a few examples of vendors.

Source Link- http://latestcmiblogs.weebly.com/article/internet-of-things-iot-security-is-a-protection-mechanism-to-safeguard-users-against-cyberattacks

Pooja salve
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