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Modern settings can still have floral patterns

Design World
Modern settings can still have floral patterns

Any space can benefit from floral patterns as a stylish accent. Nevertheless, it is thought that they show a pattern associated with prehistoric house plans. Floral wallpaper is frequently used in country kitchens. Everything is decorated with floral designs in the Victorian style. There are occasionally eccentric, creative floral decorations in retro interiors. However, if you want a modern room, you don’t have to completely abandon the florals. Flowers can be used in even the most contemporary settings.

Fundamentally, the flowery fashion trend is a pattern-based one. There are numerous options for flower print patterns as well. It adds to the challenge of using flowers for decoration. For a more modern appearance, floral prints can be worn in one of two ways: big and bold for a statement look, or tiny blooms for a more accentuated style.

How to Wear Patterns and Prints

Change a pattern for something more neutral. The most straightforward way to incorporate prints or patterns with leaves into your present wardrobe is to find a design that you can layer over other items, such as a patterned shirt under a suit or blazer. Due to the jacket, just a little piece of the print will be exposed. You can remove the jacket to see the print if you’re bold enough.

Put on something understated to start. If a patterned top or dress feels too much, start with socks, a handbag, or a scarf. Accessories with fabric pattern designs can add some interest to your ensemble without going over the top.

Confidence in oneself. Prints are individualized; it’s a wonderful thing that not everyone will enjoy one simply because you do. Most neutrals are well-loved by everyone. That is not the case with printouts. Wear what makes you feel good and don’t become discouraged if others don’t like your print, so to speak.

Tips for Blending Prints and Patterns

Find out more about your foundational prints. Start with the classic, uncomplicated patterns like stripes, polka dots, florals, and Doodle leaves. Afterward, slap a bigger print on top. Think of layering a more intriguing geometric print under a classic striped T-shirt. The straightforward stripe will act as a unifying element, and the lines in both patterns will enhance one another.

Choose designs in a variety of sizes. One of the simplest methods to combine patterns is to layer them using two different scales. When combined with a large-scale doodle pattern, the lower size can act as a neutral. By combining a skirt with a little floral print with a large-format plaid flannel, you may achieve a grunge style.

With the help of these suggestions, you can attract everyone’s attention. You can also find additional ideas in the Pixemix Graphic Bundle Pack.

Design World
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