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What You Need to Know About the 186 Visa

What You Need to Know About the 186 Visa

The 186 visa is a permanent visa that allows the holder to live and work in Australia for an indefinite period. It is granted to foreign workers who are skilled and meet certain requirements. Applicants may access exemptions for age, English language and health.

Applicants must be nominated by an Australian employer. They must also meet certain skills and health requirements. Depending on their occupation, applicants can be sponsored on the Direct Entry (DE) or Employer Nomination Scheme (ENS) streams. If nominated by an employer, they can reside in Australia permanently.

Applicants must apply for the relevant stream and follow a specific process. However, the processing time for both streams depends on the complete application.

To be eligible for the Employer Nomination Scheme (ENS) 186 visa, the applicant must be nominated by an Australian employer. Their nominated position must be on the Subclass 186 Occupations List. A sponsor may also be able to include a dependent family member in the application. Dependent family members must be over the age of 18 and must demonstrate Functional English. These family members cannot be parents or parents-in-law.

Applicants must apply for a nominated position within six months of receiving approval from their sponsor. They must submit their visa applications within 6 months of the sponsor's nomination. When submitting the visa application, a transaction reference number must be included.

An individual who is nominated on the ENS 186 visa can remain in Australia for up to five years. During this period, they can travel in and out of the country. For those who wish to extend their stay, they can do so by obtaining a Resident Return Visa. This visa consultancy services near me is often obtained with the help of a migration agent.

There are three streams in the 186 Employer Nomination Scheme: the Direct Entry, Labour Entry and Temporary Residence Transition Streams. While the DE stream requires applicants to be under 45 years of age, the TRT Stream is open to people who are over 45. Those who are over 45 can be nominated as researchers, technical specialists or scientists. Regardless of the stream, they must have three years of relevant employment experience.

Applicants must provide evidence that they meet the eligibility requirements for a Subclass 186 visa. They must have worked for at least three years with their sponsor. In addition, they must meet health and character requirements. Other conditions that may affect their ability to be approved for the 186 visa are outstanding debts, a criminal record and being over the age of 55.

Applicants must also have an Australian value statement. In addition, they must be registered with an organization. Applicants who are sponsored by an employer can only be nominated if they are members of that organization. Applicants who are not a member of an organization or a sponsored employee are required to sign a statement of law and order.

Applicants who wish to become a subclass 186 visa holder will need to have a valid passport. Some of these applicants can substitute their passports with one from Canada or the United Kingdom. To know more information visit at www.epaglobal.com.

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