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Vacuum Degasser – An Overview in Detail

Vacuum Degasser – An Overview in Detail

What is a Vacuum Degasser?

Vacuum degassers are gas treatment machines used in the oil and gas industry. They degas the drilling fluid by removing any entrained gases, including hydrogen sulphide and oxygen.

Vacuum degassers have a higher efficiency but a lower throughput ability compared to other available degassers. As such, they are most commonly employed on oil wells where the mud flow rate is expected to be lower but the gas volume is expected to be high.

Why is a vacuum degasser necessary on an oil rig?

By removing all gases from the mud, vacuum degassers prevent possible blowouts on an oil rig, thus maintaining human safety. Moreover, vacuum degassers agitate the drilling mud that passes through them, which aids phase separation by desanders and desilters.


A vacuum degasser first draws the drilling fluid, with entrained gases, into its tank by means of vacuum suction. The drilling mud is pulled into the degasser because of the vacuum created by a regenerative blower.

As the volume of the liquid in the tank increases, the drilling fluid comes into contact with serially arranged metallic plates in the machine. This contact facilitates the release and separation of gas bubbles from the mud. The separated gas leaves the system with the help of a gas pump, while the degassed mud reaches ahead for further processing.

Installation and setup

Vacuum degassers are generally installed after shakers on an oil rig. When installing vacuum degassers, a mud pump is separately included to facilitate the operation of the eductor nozzle. It is also possible to include a fluid level sensor in the setup to prevent excessive suction of mud fluid.




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