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Web design trends 2022 — Increase your sales with modern design

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Web design trends 2022 — Increase your sales with modern design

Increase your sales with modern design

To maximize sales on your website, it is important to keep up with website developments. You should not blindly follow every trend but focus on those that fit in your niche. Sunbird Webbyrå focused on good-looking websites that sell well and full service in marketing.

According to Microsoft, the time people can stay focused has continued to decrease, which is not entirely unexpected.

  • Year 2000: 12 seconds.
  • Year 2013: 8 seconds.

Web design is constantly changing and adapted to the users. In this post, we will go through the trends that we consider most important for web design in 2022. If you keep track of the trends, the lifespan of a new website will increase and you will be happy with it longer. Stylish modern web design is good both for the brand, when recruiting skilled staff and to increase your sales.

Table of Content

  • Born mobile
  • Text at the centre of the design
  • Create energy with bold colours and shapes
  • Handmade icons and illustrations
  • Not always a picture in the hero section
  • Bigger and fatter text
  • chat function

Born mobile

The majority of all web design is done for the computer and then scaled down to tablet and mobile. But when more users visit your website via mobile, it also becomes reasonable to also start with the web design for mobile to scale up to tablet and computer. No matter which one you start with, you can always create double variants. One for the computer and one for the mobile. Even if you do doubles, it is important which one you start with as it is the one that sets which elements should be included.

Note that Google ranks you differently depending on which device the user is searching for. If you delete important elements or have less text on one of the devices, the placements will fluctuate even more.

Text at the centre of the design

Well-written text that is enhanced by the web design is one of the things that makes a website stand out. It is desirable to get rid of redundant elements and instead focus on getting the text into a clear and hierarchical structure that is easy to understand. This also goes well in line with mobile first, where you should usually have less text and fewer visual elements.

Do not try to say everything. There is often a lot you do that is good. But to say only one thing means that the whole message is conveyed and that the visitor has the strength to read it.

Create energy with bold colours and shapes

Colours and shapes have definitely become more and more daring. We no longer have a few colours in the classic colour scales and straight lines.

Here, higher demands are placed on sensitivity when it comes to hierarchies and which colours go well together. It is better not to challenge yourself if you feel insecure. Easy-to-read text and a logical structure are often more important than good-looking web design.

Handmade icons and illustrations

Handmade icons that go in the style of your web design have become increasingly common. Illustrations that show what you do have also become more popular. This means that the user does not have to read to get an intuitive understanding of what your service or product does.

However, we do

not recommend making illustrations of the people in your team. They should be ordinary pictures. People love to know who is behind a business.

Not always a picture in the hero section

A large image, or why not a slider, has long dominated the space in the hero section. But the alternative where text and graphics are allowed to take place has become increasingly popular in 2022.

Bigger and fatter text

First impressions are important. With a well-formulated message in the hero section with large bold text, you create this.

This can be the most important text you write on the website. In this text you should explain what you do and why you should be contacted. Say nothing that is true for everyone, but something that makes you unique.

chat function

Does not really fall within the scope of web design. But in some industries, this is important and should be tried for those of you who have not. Bi has become increasingly accustomed to chatting and a chat function on your website will increase your website sales. Accessibility is demanded and makes the website feel more alive. Users are stressed and generally prefer not to have to read all the information but want it delivered. Take advantage of this and install a chat and you will increase your sales. The chats are usually rented as a service for a few hundred bucks a month and are installed in two minutes. Try it out!

We are happy to help you with a new design and website for companies , or we take greater responsibility as a full service web design agency .

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