Learn the process to check the company files compatibility with QuickBooks. Note that when QuickBooks user upgrades the software, the company file doesn’t update on its own. This further trigger an error that might appear on screen with an error message stating “This QuickBooks file needs to be updated.” In that case the user might need to update the company file manually. If you are interested in finding out the steps to check company file compatibility with QuickBooks, make sure to read the post till the end. Or you can also contact our team at +1-844-521-0490 and we will provide you with instant support services.
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Important terms
Keep a note of the below terms before heading to the steps:
• Product: Product here means either QuickBooks desktop, Pro, or Enterprise
• Version: Version is designated by a year within the product, which includes QuickBooks desktop Pro 2018 is a different version from QuickBooks desktop Pro 2019
• Edition: Differentiation within premier or enterprise solutions for different business types:
• General business
• Accountant
• Non profit it
• Contractor
• Professional services
• Retail
• Manufacturing and wholesale
Limitations of company file while upgrading to another product, version, or edition
There are certain limitations that you should keep in mind.
• Product- The user can open premier company files in Pro and vice versa without changing in the file. Also, the user can upgrade Pro and Premier company files to Enterprise solutions, but the user cannot open ES company file Pro or premier
• Version- IT should be noted that the company file can’t be opened in another region’s QuickBooks desktop version. To explain it better, let us take an example that the user will get message “This file was not created with a US version of QuickBooks.”, when he/she tries to open a company file that was created in a QuickBooks Canada version in a QuickBooks US version. The user can upgrade the file from an older to a newer version of QuickBooks, but he/she can’t use the upgraded file in the older version. The only exception to this rule is if the user is using QuickBooks desktop accountant and working in an accountant’s copy. For further information, the user can see accountant’s copy overview. When the user opens up the company file in a newer version, QuickBooks will ask if he/she wants to upgrade or convert the QuickBooks company file. Usually, a new version will update and convert an older QuickBooks company file. In case the QuickBooks company won’t upgrade to the new version, the user might need to step the company file through an intermediate version of QuickBooks.
• Edition - It should be noted that a file created in one edition can be opened with any other edition without affecting the data.
We end this post right here, with the hope that the information discussed above might be of some help in finding out the compatibility. For more details or for any further assistance, feel free to contact us at +1-844-521-0490 and we will provide you with instant support services.