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What is RPO and how does it work?

What is RPO and how does it work?

Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) is a form of business process outsourcing (BPO) in which a company outsources all or part of its recruitment activities to an external service provider. The service provider takes responsibility for the design, implementation, and management of the recruitment process, including sourcing and attracting candidates, screening and selecting candidates, and onboarding new hires.

In an RPO arrangement, the service provider typically works closely with the company to understand its business needs, culture, and hiring requirements. Based on this information, the service provider develops a customized recruitment strategy that is designed to meet the company's specific needs and goals.

The service provider then takes over the recruitment process, using a variety of tools and techniques to source, attract, and evaluate candidates. These may include job boards, social media, employee referral programs, and other methods. The service provider typically has a team of experienced recruiters who are responsible for managing the recruitment process and ensuring that the company is able to find the best candidates for its open positions.

Once candidates have been identified, the service provider conducts initial screenings and evaluations to determine their suitability for the role. The service provider may also assist with scheduling interviews and providing feedback to candidates. If a candidate is selected for the position, the service provider may also be responsible for onboarding the new hire and ensuring that they are properly integrated into the company.

Overall, the goal of RPO is to provide companies with a more efficient and effective way to manage their recruitment process, while still attracting top talent. By outsourcing this function, companies can focus on their core business operations and leave the recruitment process in the hands of experienced professionals.

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