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How to Fix Error 49.4c02 on Windows Computer

Hena Bekar
How to Fix  Error 49.4c02 on Windows Computer

Your computer and the printer may not have been communicating properly, or the printer's firmware may be out-of-date, which is the main reason of error 49.4c02 on your HP printer. It also appears when you try to print a PDF that contains intricate typefaces.

You might constantly see the 49.4c02 problem if the cause is a breakdown in communication between your computer and printer or outdated firmware. But due to the latter cause, the problem only appears when printing particular PDFs.

How can I fix Windows PC error 49.4c02 for my HP printer?

Turning off the printer and unplugging it from the network and power outlet should be done before attempting any other alternatives. Reconnect the printer, turn it back on, and verify after that. Try the following troubleshooting procedures if the error persists:

  • Update the firmware on the HP printer.
  • Print a picture of your PDF.
  • Installing and utilising PCL6 drivers
  • Advanced Printing Features should be disabled.

1] Update the firmware on the HP printer

Your printer's firmware should be current in order for it to operate at its best, much as when you update your computer or smartphone. Periodically, HP releases these updates to address issues like the 49.4c02 error.

However, you must first put the printer back in its Ready state before continuing with the firmware upgrade. A printer that is in the ready state has no pending print jobs.

How to set the Ready State of an HP printer

  • Printers & Scanners can be found by pressing the Windows key. Scanners & Printers can be found in the suggestions.
  • Select the See what's printed option after selecting your HP printer from the Printers & Scanners window's list.
  • Finally, select Cancel All Documents by right-clicking a blank area of this window.
  • If you are the only person using the printer, the aforementioned instructions will work. You cannot perform the aforementioned actions on every device on a network if the printer is shared among those devices. The network cable should then be disconnected from behind the printer, and the printer should be restarted.
  • You can now upgrade the firmware with your printer in Ready State mode.

Your HP printer's firmware can be updated using either the Firmware Update Utility or online via an FTP connection. I'll walk you through these two methods for updating your printer's firmware.

How can I use the Firmware Update Utility to update the firmware on my HP printer?

To figure out the firmware version of the HP printer producing the issue, you must first print a configuration sheet from it. Select Administration from the printer menu's Configuration section to verify this (or Information, depending on the printer).

Enter the model of your printer in the Enter my HP model number area on the HP driver support page after confirming your current firmware. You are then directed to the model-specific page.

Double-click the Firmware Update Utility file to launch it after the firmware download is complete. From the drop-down menu, choose your printer. If your printer is networked, you must use a USB cable to connect it directly to your computer. When the firmware update is finished, click the Send Firmware button.

How do I use FTP to update my printer?

  • Verify your printer's IP address, which may be found on the Configuration page, first. Regarding Wi-Fi printers, read this article.
  • Then, enter the model number of your printer in the Enter my HP model number area on the HP driver help website. When you press ENTER, you will be taken to the download page specifically for your printer.
  • Now select an OS independent or Cross-Platform option from the dropdown menu below Operating Systems.
  •  To view the firmware downloads for your HP printer, expand the Firmware section by clicking on it. Next, start the download by clicking the button next to the most recent firmware mentioned at the top.

Set up and utilise PCL6 drivers.

The drivers for your printer employ programming languages like PCL6, PCL5, and PCL5e. The 49.4c02 fault was fixed by using PCL6 drivers, according to users.

The HP driver support website also offers PCL6 driver downloads. Enter the model number of your printer into the Enter my HP model number area here, and then select your Windows version from the Operating system dropdown.

Click here to expand Driver - Universal Print Driver on this page. Find HP Universal Print Driver for Windows PCL6 and select it by clicking the Download button next to it.

Advanced Printing Features must be disabled.

Some functions on your printer can be turned on when your setup calls for them to be off. To determine if they were the root of the 49.4c02 problem, you should disable these functionalities and do a test.

When you press Windows, look for Printers. Pick Printers & Scanners from the list of recommendations.

Hena Bekar
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