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How does an EV charger work? And Advantages of EV Charger

Ksolare Energy
How does an EV charger work? And Advantages of EV Charger

At its most basic, the best EV charger Company pulls an electrical current from either a 240v outlet or the grid it's hardwired to and delivers that electricity to the vehicle, just like any other appliance or device you charge by plugging into the wall. 


·        European designs 100% engineering and European components assembled in India.

·        All highest safety EMC Interpretability.

·        Feature Design- no need for up gradation for another 10 years.

·        Harmless Hardware and Design for Home & Car batteries with higher safety standards.

·        Oversizing of Components for better reliability & Internal management.

·        Dual SIM card with high 9 AM antenna.

·        For all present EV cars/buses.

·        Reversible diagnostic repairs and setting with base setup & remote validation.

Find More Products: https://ksolare.com/product-4/

Charging time basically depends on the battery's capacity, power density, and charging power. Higher power density allows the battery to accept more charge/unit time (the size of the tank opening). Higher charging power supplies more energy per unit of time Batteries are charged with DC power. To charge from the AC power supplied by the electrical grid, EV Charger has a small AC-to-DC converter built into the vehicle.

About Us-

KSolare Energy was established in 2012 and is located in Pune. The promoter of the company has wide experience of over 25 years in the field of renewable energy particularly in power electronics had worked in multinational companies in the US, Spain, Germany & Portugal. The company products line-up covers Grid Tie & Hybrid Inverters in collaboration with big International companies. As one of the largest manufacturing companies in India, KSolare has an advanced automatic testing setup with certification. KSolare executed 805+ MW with a total installation of over 175,000+ Inverters in PAN India with efficient aftersales service support With the lowest failure rate and 100% Customer satisfaction because of after-sale service & quality.

Contact Us-

KSolare Technology Park, Sr.No. 62, Hissa No. 03,

Pune – Satara Rd, opp. to Poonam Petrol Pump,

Mangdewadi, Katraj, Pune, Maharashtra 411046

Contact No - Sales: 7888009282/83/84/85

Service: 8530111222 / 7030955501

Email : sales@ksolare.com , service@ksolare.com

Ksolare Energy
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