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What To Know About Getting Auto Gate Repair Singapore?

PCM Electrical Engineering
What To Know About Getting Auto Gate Repair Singapore?

The car gate is a door that opens in front of an auto about to be driven into or out of a driveway. It extends from the pavement to the concrete threshold and covers parking spaces, enabling drivers to enter and exit their vehicles when facing street traffic freely. Every home with an assigned parking space should have an auto gate in Singapore to avoid inconvenience to other residents.


However, there are some situations where this gate can cause problems for you and your family members. One such condition is when the gate is broken or damaged and needs to be repaired. The lifespan of an auto gate can vary from two to 15 years, depending on regular care and maintenance.


Reasons You Need To Consider Auto Gate Repair


1. Broken Switches


When a switch is broken, the gate can be controlled only with the remote control. That is dangerous because you and your family cannot open or close the gate when needed. It can lead to more significant problems like accidents, injuries, and even death.


2. Broken Motors


Like switches, a broken motor will render the gate inoperable. It means you have no choice but to manually open or close it when needed. Auto Gate Repair Singapore can fix this in two hours.


3. Breaks or Sticks


A stuck gate is a real danger because it is difficult to close. It can be dangerous as well, especially during heavy rains and snowstorms. Auto Gate Repair can help you fix this problem as soon as possible with our experienced technicians.


4. Leaking Pumps


Leaks can cause minor problems like rust in the gate. It is dangerous and may cost a lot if you don't take care of it within the first few days. Our Auto Gate Repair skilled technicians will take care of this for you at a very affordable price. It will cost you only a fraction of what other companies charge for this service.


5. Broken Brackets


Broken brackets can damage the auto gate and its actual functioning. These problems are common for those who don't care for their gates. They are costly to fix and may take longer if you leave them with the contractor or project management firm. You may have to pay more each day than before you started this project.


6. Low-Quality Gates


Low-quality gates will have difficulties opening or closing and will be prone to leakage due to rust issues. They are also more expensive to repair than others. Therefore, to save money and extend the life of your gate, it is best to get it fixed immediately by our auto gate repair Singapore technicians.




We at PCM Electrical Engineer offer swing gate repair in Singapore for residential and commercial properties. We also provide auto repair in Singapore for all types of gates. Our one-stop shop offers door repairs, gate repairs, and gate installations, among others.


If you have any inquiries or require pricing, kindly contact us today at tel:+6565675985.

PCM Electrical Engineering
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