AI Products 

Reducing customer unplanned downtime to boost business value and operational revenue. - EvoortSolutions

Reducing customer unplanned downtime to boost business value and operational revenue. - EvoortSolutions

Assure that end-user investment and ROI are maximized by utilizing connection, remote monitoring, and predictive maintenance to avoid expensive customer downtime and provide more reliable operations. Learn how to use augmented reality-based remote help to swiftly extend problem-solving advice, assistance, and expertise to your manufacturing operations and service teams. With powerful AR collaboration capabilities and real-time video communications, a field technician may simply connect with a specialist to observe and evaluate the scenario at hand. Utilize the devices currently in your workers’ pockets to improve remote support and speed AR’s time to value in your organization.

Reasons for Unscheduled Downtime:

  • Human error is one of the biggest causes of downtime in the sector, which is not unexpected given the growing number of hyper specialized machinery and equipment that demand the upkeep and supervision of maintenance professionals and specialists.
  • The second problem identified is a lack of information about the status of the equipment. In reality, businesses do not know the actual status of their equipment or when it should be maintained, improved, or replaced.

Allow for professional advice at any time and from any location. Utilizing today's handheld apps, Evoort assists industrial businesses in swiftly scaling the expertise of service specialists and operations professionals. REDUCE COSTLY TIME ON SITE: Fix, repair, and solve troubles extra quick via way of means of allowing frontline people with real-time AR to guide out of your maximum skilled crew members. Eliminate useless tour expenses and expenses related to repeat visits ENHANCE UPTIME AND EFFICIENCY: Lower downtime and speed issue resolution by linking your field employees and customers with specialists who can advise and coach them through the troubleshooting and repair procedures. IMPROVE SAFETY AND COMPLIANCE: Keep service technicians secure while maintaining dangerous equipment and work situations by allowing specialists to mark up a technician's real-time view with callouts highlighting precise information, risks, or procedures to take to avoid mistakes and mishaps. PERMIT CUSTOMER SELF-SERVICE: Minimize client downtime by allowing them to fix on-site challenges on their own. Engage your consumers with the skilled assistance they require to quickly diagnose and fix issues.


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