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Top 5 Creative Website Design Ideas To Consider In 2023

SEO Resellers Canada
Top 5 Creative Website Design Ideas To Consider In 2023

Having a digital presence has become crucial in this highly competitive marketplace. Regardless of the size of the business, everyone wants to have the best web design in Kelowna. However, there are some shocking facts about website design that will force you to rethink your digital storefront.

Why thoughtful website design is important?

Studies revealed that more than 90% of customers click away from a website that is poorly designed. Let alone, if it takes more than 3 seconds to load, you are losing a huge number of prospective customers. Moreover, if your poorly designed website is not supported on mobile phone screens you are already losing 40% of your loyal customers.

Apart from mobile responsiveness and a fast loading website, what else can you do to make your website attractive and engaging? Instead of using a cheap-looking free template, invest in website design in Kelowna to make a world of difference. Here are the top 5 creative web design ideas that you must consider for your project.

How to have a creative website design?

In order to make your website design stand apart, you can discuss the below listed ideas with your web designer.

  1. Hover animations: Animation product reveals are really getting into the mainstream designing principles. Now brands are looking forward to engaging users with animated product reveal interactions. These look minimal yet attractive and of course creative.
  2. Simple navigation: Gone are the days of fancy interactions. Renowned designers are now bringing back the navigation nostalgia and going with simple techniques with retro themes and navigation.
  3. Aesthetic: This has become a buzzword in the last few months of 2022 and surely going to rule the web design world in the new year. Brands are anticipating launches of highly aesthetic designs that embrace minimalism.
  4. Creative texts: While some designers are bringing back retro navigation, some are inclined towards clear spaces. To make the spaces cleaners, creative web designers are even using overlapped texts nowadays.
  5. Color concept: While brands are more inclined towards keeping the website content accessible, the biggest trend for 2023 is to use textured black and white themes. We will also see heavy usage of light colors and playful typography on many websites.


Having a website is not enough, you must put in the effort to make it attractive and better than the rest. Not sure how to do that? Connect with the web design experts at SEO Resellers Canada. It is the most recognized agency for web design in Kelowna. They have around two decades of experience, which can be highly beneficial for you to establish your brand, have loyal customers and attain a competitive edge.

SEO Resellers Canada
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