AI Products 
Arpit Singh
Server Price India

A Dedicated server is a single server device where you can use an entire server for your business on a rental basis. NextraOne is one the best-dedicated server hosting providers in India, our dedicated server is a bare metal physical server dedicated to a single tenant. The whole computing power is allocated to single customer which is physically separated from another server hosted on internet. In all server you can have preinstalled Linux / Windows / Hypervisor as per your need which you can use a whole server on monthly payment basis. We assure you that you will get the cheapest dedicated server hosting in India from highly reliable service provider.

We at NextraOne, with a team of skilled ITIL Certified and Data center management professionals assure the management of Hardware/Software competently. If you are not comfortable with server management, you can go for managed dedicated service where we will take care of service uptime.

Dedicated Server Features

  • ✔ Bare metal physical server with KVM control for remote access
  • ✔ Root Access get full control over Server resource and Hardware.
  • ✔ Powerful latest Intel® Processor, Hot Swap , Rack Mounted Server
  • ✔ Redundant power supply ( RPS )
  • ✔ Multiple Hard Disk with RAID1, RAID10.
  • ✔ No overhead for purchasing or maintaining server equipment.
  • ✔ ISO 270001 certified data center and complete all round security.
  • ✔ Tier III Data center with 99.9% uptime guaranteed.
  • ✔ 24/7 Server monitoring and highly skilled tech Support

A Dedicated server is a single server device where you can use an entire server for your business on a rental basis. NextraOne is one the best-dedicated server hosting providers in India, our dedicated server is a bare metal physical server dedicated to a single tenant. The whole computing power is allocated to single customer which is physically separated from another server hosted on internet. In all server you can have preinstalled Linux / Windows / Hypervisor as per your need which you can use a whole server on monthly payment basis. We assure you that you will get the cheapest dedicated server hosting in India from highly reliable service provider.

Arpit Singh
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