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Recognition of MIT and Courses by Industry

MIT Sydney
Recognition of MIT and Courses by Industry
  1. Australian Computer Society (ACS) accreditation.

The Australian Computer Society has updated its website announcing the renewal of accreditation of MIT courses. Both Bachelor of Networking and Master of networking courses are accredited at the professional level. As of 17th July 2018, MIT is the only Australian independent higher education provider which has professional accreditation.

The ACS accreditation reflects the dedication of MIT staff in offering a high quality program to prepare our students for the challenges of digital disruption they would encounter in their careers.

The ACS accreditation is through the Seoul Accord. This means the degree will be recognised within the signatories of the Accord, this includes Korea (ABEEK), United States of America (ABET), Australia (ACS), United Kingdom (BCS), Canada (CIPS), Hong Kong (HKIE), Taiwan (IEET) and Japan (JABEE). 

  1. White Ribbon accreditation

In 2018, MIT was accredited as a White Ribbon (WR) Workplace and recognized as a pioneer in contributing to a national cultural change to prevent and respond to violence against women.  As part of the comprehensive 18-month WR Workplace Accreditation Program process, which as a minimum, includes all of the Australian Human Rights Commissions (2017) Change the Course Reports recommendations, MIT demonstrated evidence-based best practice against 15 criteria that sit across three standards (Leadership and Commitment, Prevention of Violence against Women and Response to Violence against Women).

MIT is one of eight Australian higher education (HE) institutions to receive WR Workplace Accreditation and the only private Australian HE institution to do so.  We are proud to be contributing to the creation of an Australian society in which all women can live in safety, free from violence and abuse.

   3.    Engineers Australia (EA) accreditation

The Engineers Australia updated its website announcing the renewal of accreditation of MIT courses. Both Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Telecommunications) and Master of Engineering (Telecommunications) courses were accredited at the Engineering Technologist (Sydney Accord) and Professional Engineering (Washington Accord) levels respectively. As of July 31, 2018, MIT is the only Australian independent Institute of higher education which has professional accreditation with Engineers Australia for these courses.

The EA accreditation reflects the dedication of MIT staff in offering high quality engineering programs to our students which are comprehensive, up-to-date and career focused. Read More

MIT Sydney
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