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Understanding your baby’s sleep and awake times

Understanding your baby’s sleep and awake times

During the first few years of your little one’s life, their awake windows will change as their sleep needs change. Knowing this is a real game-changer, trust us. 

Figuring out how and when they ought to rest, as per their age, can assist you with arranging your days around their rest timetable, and will likewise help their general rest around evening time. Taking care of your child before they are prepared, or past the point of no return whenever they are overtired, can mean doom and toss the entire constantly out.

Daily Rhythms

Our Daily Rhythms, tailored to your child’s age and stage, will help to guide you on what to expect for your little one. For example, newborns should only be awake for around 45 mins, or roughly the length of a feed and a cuddle. This window opens up as they grow and become more alert and can handle more awake time.

What is an Awake Window?

Awake windows are the length of time your little one is awake between their naps. Understanding this ‘window of time’, based on their age, is one of the key factors in settling them for sleep. Putting down an under tired or overtired baby makes settling so much harder. New parents are often unaware of how frequently these windows change in those early weeks and months, but knowing this can be a game changer.

3-6 Weeks

At this stage, your baby is still too young to have a predictable routine but you can still seek a gentle rhythm. Their awake cycle will be between 1 hr 15 15mins – 1hr 30mins, including the feed.

6-12 Weeks

Your little one won't be prepared for prescriptive timings presently! Following a steady shower + sleep time custom is a pleasant method for beginning framing a delicate cadence. Their alert cycle will be between 1 hr 15 mins - 1hr 30mins.

3-5 Months

You may start to see more predictability in your baby around 12 weeks. Following a daily rhythm will help you find a flow in your day to ensure their needs are met. Their awake window will be around 1hr 30mins.

5-6 Months

Many individuals figure their child will supernaturally begin dozing once they start solids - yet that isn't generally the situation. Understanding what day dozes can mean evenings is critical! Their conscious window will be around 1hr 45min - 2hrs.

6-7 Months

Heading out and about becomes a whole lot easier once your baby is able to stay awake for longer. Their awake window will now be between 2hr – 2hrs 30mins.

The Sleeping Environment

Once you know where they are at with their awake window, you can plan your movements throughout the day. For example, is your car journey long enough for them to get uninterrupted sleep? If it is, then why not let them have that sleep en route? If you are traveling on a busy train or bus, chances are they won’t be able to sleep. This is where you can either head out after their nap or make sure you arrive at the destination in time for their sleep. They will be able to drift off much easier in a more calm and quiet environment – and potentially sleep for longer.

So understanding your baby’s sleep and awake times are one of the most important things to know as a parent.

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