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The Advantages of Onsite Document Scanning Services

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The Advantages of Onsite Document Scanning Services

Onsite document scanning services are beneficial for businesses and organizations of all sizes. It is typically far easier for us to come to you, than for you to try to transport a lot of heavy filing cabinets to our offices.

Certainly, there are times when our clients bring us their documents for scanning, and we are happy to accommodate them. But with onsite scanning, we can come to you and take care of the project from start to finish. This also makes it easier for your staff, because if there are any questions or issues, we can communicate with you directly.

Using our expert document scanning team will also make the process go much more smoothly, quickly, and accurately. Sure, you could try to do this all yourself, but we’re simply better at it. We’re not bragging, it’s just that backfile scanning is our area of expertise, and so we have gotten quite efficient at it.

Having us do the work of digitizing your documents means that your team can focus on what they’re best at. In the long run, this actually saves you money.

Furthermore, once your documents are digitized, and you can recycle all that paper, the space that those filing cabinets have been taking up can be used for other things.

No project is too big for us. We have literally scanned millions of documents to make them thoroughly organized, online, and secure. In the end, this is safer for your business, because if the documents aren’t digitized and something happens to the physical building, they could be lost forever. But by being digitized, and secured on the cloud with redundant backup, your files will be safe from disaster.

Onsite Document Scanning Case Study

The University of Mississippi, aka Ole Miss, is the flagship university of the State of Mississippi. We partnered with Ole Miss Athletics to digitize their archive of over 100 years of sports memorabilia. With a highly active athletics department, and both women’s and men’s sports teams encompassing everything from baseball and basketball to cross country and golf, you can imagine what a huge project this was.

ScanNmore’s On-site document scanning company in CA developed a strategy and actionable plan to preserve more than 3 million pages of documents for future generations. Our team then carefully digitized these documents for this very important historical archive.

Get Started With Onsite Document Scanning Services

If your business needs help with onsite scanning, call ScanNmore. Our On-site scanning services will securely scan, digitize, and index your documents so that they can be safely retrieved in a digital format. Our team is quick and efficient, and we know how to plow through a ton of paper without disrupting your business. You will be amazed at how rapidly we are able to digitize all of your important documents and place them securely in the cloud.

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