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What Is Acupuncture? Surprising Benefits of Acupuncture!

Phoebus Acupuncture

Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese medicine-based approach to treating a variety of conditions by triggering specific points on the skin with needles. a minimally invasive method to stimulate nerve-rich areas of the skin surface in order to influence tissues, glands, organs, and various functions of the body. Each acupuncture needle produces a tiny injury at the insertion site, and although it’s slight enough to cause little to no discomfort, it’s enough of a signal to let the body know it needs to respond, This response involves stimulation of the immune system, promoting circulation to the area, wound healing, and pain modulation.” Contemporary research on acupuncture relies mainly on this theory.

Acupuncture can increase your chances of workplace success and offers many benefits to boost your productivity. Acupuncture may also reduce the physical and emotional impacts of an unhealthy or stressful work environment. Your health and well-being aren’t priorities that are exclusive to hours outside of your workspace. Health is a round-the-clock job that is linked to both your happiness and productivity. This is why the most successful people commit to promoting their own health and healing underlying pain or conditions that inhibit daily tasks. Employees and employers alike are tapping into strategies for a healthier workplace that includes specialized services like acupuncture which offers many benefits that extend beyond the office. Please go here to this link https://www.phoebustian.com/facialacupuncture/ and about Benefits of Acupuncture!

Reduced Stress & Reduced Back and Joint Pain: One of the primary reasons people seek acupuncture treatment is to reduce their stress levels. Restoring energy balance and triggering nervous system responses is a key factor in lowering the body’s stress reaction. According to Healthline, research has found that acupuncture lowers stress hormone levels and improves mood to help reduce feelings of anxiety and increase feelings of happiness. Pain relief is one of the top benefits of acupuncture. The technique can reduce tension in the back and neck and alleviate pain in the joints. This is a drug-free way to address common pain complaints. It can also reduce inflammation in these affected areas.

Headache Relief: Patients struggling with chronic headaches and migraines who do not want to have prescription medications as part of their treatment protocol may find relief with acupuncture treatments. Several studies reported in the National Institutes of Health found that acupuncture treatment was effective in reducing both the frequency and severity of headaches among chronic sufferers. It may also be more effective than pain-reducing medications in treating tension headaches.

Controlling Blood Pressure & Enhancing Fertility: Rising blood pressure levels are a problem in modern society, especially with high-stress jobs and overall obesity levels on the rise. Regular acupuncture treatment combined with medical treatment for the cardiovascular system can help reduce blood pressure levels. The practice helps support proper heart function and blood flow, and at times it is more effective than medication at controlling blood pressure. Couples who are trying to conceive a child may have faster results with acupuncture treatment. Acupuncture can actually optimize the production of reproductive hormones, and subsequent treatments can support a healthy pregnancy once a woman conceives.

Improved Eye Health & Enhanced Mental Clarity: Eye strain is a common complaint in the modern world with its heavy reliance on computer and phone screens. Acupuncture reduces eye strain and can also help improve vision for people dealing with problems like night blindness or lazy eyes. Brain fog occurs when stress and other concerns rob an individual of mental clarity, making it difficult to think well. Acupuncture treatment can enhance mental clarity and reduce the risk of problems with brain fog.

Better Sleep & Increased Energy: When the body’s energy is in balance and the nervous system is properly stimulated, many people have better abilities to fall asleep at night. Acupuncture has shown in scientific trials to benefit people struggling with insomnia, and some results found that acupuncture actually had a greater benefit for patients than sleep medications. After acupuncture treatment, patients may experience a surge in energy levels. This can help people feel more productive at work and home.

Phoebus Acupuncture

69 WALTON STREET South Kensington, Chelsea, London SW3 2JL


Phoebus Acupuncture
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