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Top 3 Cultivator Machines Suitable for Land Preparation

Rahul Saini
Top 3 Cultivator Machines Suitable for Land Preparation

Cultivators are one of the most innovative farming implements that help in aerating, pulverising the soil, mixing the nutrients and tilling the soil for better planting. It’s an imperative tool that modern farming of any kind cannot do without. Deciding which brand’s cultivator to buy can be a hefty deal. So here are the top 3 promising choices that are reasonable on pocket and fields.

Heavy Duty Cultivator by Fieldking

This 40-75 hp heavy-duty cultivator by fieldking is quite a durable and powerful option for tillage and preparing the soil. This cultivator price starts from Rs 12999 in India, which justifies its range of functions & performance on the field. Moreover, its special design & build provides great strength to the entire machine. It comes with a stress-prone point that prevents the implement from any kind of pain while working in harsh fields.

Blade Cultivator by Captain

This 60 hp cultivator by Captain provides efficient working width from a single blade which is up to 510mm. This implement with 480 mm length, 1365 mm width, and 760 mm height are suitable dimensions for any field type. Its overall working depth is 75-100 mm providing effective work on any rugged or simple field. The price of this cultivator is reasonable for Indian farmers. 

Khedut Rigid Cultivator

This 35-75 hp Khedut cultivator is a powerful farm implement from Khedut manufacturers. This cultivator price starts from Rs 23000 in India, which justifies its range of functions & performance. This cultivator from the Khedut brand is reliable and reasonable for tillage, pulverising, aerating and preparing any field. Khedut cultivators are available in different models, such as KARC 09, KARC 11, and KARC 13.

To know more about these cultivators' prices & other details, visit TractorJunction!

Rahul Saini
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