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Semi Private Rome Underground Catacombs Tour Ancient Appian Way

What's In Italy Tours
Semi Private Rome Underground Catacombs Tour Ancient Appian Way

Semi-Private Rome Underground Catacombs Tour Ancient Appian Way


Discover yourself in the Catacombs of Rome, Reach one of the largest and oldest catacombs of Rome and venture 52 feet (16 meters) below the surface into the otherworldly Crypts of Domitilla, Explore its endless maze of underground burial chambers, spread across 4 levels. Be captivated by ancient wall paintings of mythological and biblical figures and discover the religious symbolism of the frescoes.

Underground Rome Catacombs Tour

Explore the fascinating world of Ancient Rome on this guided Roman basilicas and underground catacombs Rome tour. Step back in time and discover the history and culture that made Rome one of the most powerful empires in history.

You’ll see how the Romans used their engineering skills to build some of the most impressive architecture in the world, and learn about their religious beliefs and burial customs. This is a must-see for anyone interested in ancient history!

Rome Catacombs Tour Summary in Detail

All visitors above the age of 12 will be required to show proof of vaccination or a negative COVID test taken within the previous 48 hours as of August 6th in museums and archaeological sites across Italy.

Please keep in mind that the documents must be accompanied by a recognized form of identification.

Guests who arrive without the proper documents on the day of the event risk being unable to participate in activities and will not be able to get a refund. Please feel free to contact us if you require any additional information about Rome Catacombs tour.

What's In Italy Tours
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