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How To Resolve If Netgear Extender Won't Connect To Router?

John Smith
How To Resolve If Netgear Extender Won't Connect To Router?

Users must setup their Netgear Extender properly and connect to the router. Most of the time users face the error of the Netgear extender won't connect to the router. There are multiple reasons for the Netgear wifi extender not connecting to the internet. In this article, we can discuss its reasons and solutions so users can quickly use their Netgear Extender. 

When you place the Netgear extender in the wrong location it shows the error. Sometimes there is a loose wire connection to the router. There is also the chance of lost internet connectivity issues. Most of the time users do a partial reset of the extender. When the configuration of the wifi router is improper so Netgear wifi extender not connecting to the internet

Methods to Fix Netgear Extender Won't Connect To Router

It is important to fix the issue of the Netgear wifi extender not connecting to the internet. You can check these steps to solve the error. 

Necessary Points 

It is necessary to remember the basic points before you want to fix the Netgear extender won’t connect to router. 

  • There is no fluctuation in the power supply for the Netgear extender and router. Your router and Netgear extender power are on.
  • You can check the status of the LED lights on your extender. Your power supply must be stable
  • Place your router in the same room as your extender.
  • You do not have a problem with the Netgear WiFi range extender's hardware.

Change the Location of the Netgear Extender

You may have connection issues if you place the Netgear extender incorrectly. Consider the following tips when placing your Netgear extender. 

  • You can always choose the center location for your Netgear extender. 
  • It is necessary to place the extender away from walls, ceilings, or corners.
  • You can never place electronic devices near the extender because it blocks the signals.
  • It is also vital to avoid placing the products such as fish tanks, ovens, microwaves, and many others from the extender. 

After changing the location users can check whether the Netgear wifi extender not connecting to the internet is fixed or not.

Power Cycle Your Netgear Extender 

Even after placing the Netgear WiFi extender optimally, the extender will not connect to the router. You don't need to worry! Use the power-cycle method. We give steps for power cycling your Netgear extender below. 

  • First, you can unplug your wifi extender from the power socket.
  • Here you can wait for a few seconds.
  • Now you can again attach the extender to a power outlet.
  • After this, you can turn on your Netgear extender.

It is also necessary to reboot your router. Now you can check whether the Netgear wifi extender not connecting to the internet

Review Connections 

Your Netgear extender may not be connecting to your router because of loose or improper connections. You might want to consider making a wired connection between your extender and router instead of a WiFi connection. A cut-free and undamaged Ethernet cable are needed to use. You can also connect your PC or laptop to the WiFi extender if the router requires a browser login. Reset your WiFi range extender to its default factory settings if all connections are proper. 

Wrap Up

Users can easily fix the Netgear wifi extender not connecting to the internet with the above steps. It is necessary to follow all the steps accordingly. Users can also change the location of their extenders. It is also necessary to use the original cables with the Netgear extender.

John Smith
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