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How A Private Investigator Can Help Your Family Lawyer

Haywood Hunt

Family issues are difficult for anyone. There’s just too much emotion involved and its best to get a professional, such as a lawyer, to help you deal with it the easiest way possible. Having a divorce lawyer in Mississauga is a given when going through a divorce or other family issues but have you thought about the invaluable help that a private investigator can bring to the table?

Why Hire a Private Investigator?

Hiring a private investigator is often not part of what’s considered the norm when going through a divorce but this is often because of misunderstanding regarding the services that a private eye can offer. Private investigation services go beyond than just uncovering affairs or identifying offshore bank accounts. A private investigation firm working with a family law firm can help build a stronger case aside from just digging for possible family secrets. This is because private investigators know where to look for information and to do so in an efficient manner that does not compromise the information so that it can be admitted in court. By obtaining information correctly, there are fewer errors and there will be a stronger case. Legally-obtained information is key to building a strong case because only legally-obtained information can be presented correctly.

Note that improperly-obtained information can be a liability and can lead to issues. Below are other services that a private investigation firm can help you with.

Abuse Investigation

May it be neglect or elder abuse, private investigators can look into details, monitor interactions, gather data, and record necessary information to validate possible abuse.

Asset Searches for Financial Fraud

It is very important to gather information in a way that still renders the said information to be admissible in court, especially for matters regarding financial fraud. Qualified private investigators can conduct investigations discreetly and in a compliant manner to make sure data remains viable as evidence.

Background Checks

Wanting to find out whether someone is who they claim to be is perfectly normal, especially if that someone has contact with your family and children. Because asking some questions directly can be awkward, hiring a private investigator for a background check is a smart way to ease your mind and find the right answers.

Infidelity Investigations

It can be very hard to get a straight answer if cheating is suspected so having a private investigator confirm or validate suspicions with discretion is best.


There are times when the only way to get peace of mind is to know what is going on when you can’t watch. Private investigators can document what happens when you are not looking to validate, confirm, or uncover information.

Technological Investigation

Each piece of data leaves traces even after it has been erased. Uncovering this is necessary for the investigation of fraud, hidden or missing assets, possible infidelity, and so on. Experienced investigators can examine gadgets, offices, vehicles, and other sources of information to uncover truths which may be intentionally destroyed or damaged.

Haywood Hunt
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