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Understanding Train And Hire Model In Technology Recruitment

Understanding Train And Hire Model In Technology Recruitment

The rise of technology-driven methods in recruitment has led to the development of a train and hire model. This model strives to bridge the gap between the lack of professionally trained candidates and the demand for skilled workforces. It does so by providing training opportunities for potential job seekers and connecting them with employers who are willing to invest in their future workforce.

What is the Train and Hire Model?

The train and hire model is a technological solution to the lack of adequately trained candidates available in the market. It aims to bridge the gap between the demand for skilled personnel and the reality of a dwindling talent pool. This model allows technology-enabled recruitment services to train potential jobseekers and then connect them with the best employers who are willing to invest in their skillsets.

The training provided typically includes online courses or classes to help candidates settle into their new role. During the process, trainers help the potential sharpen their knowledge and skill-sets so that they are better poised for a successful career. Once the training period is completed, recruiters then connect the interested parties with a suitable employer.

The process can be tailored to the needs of the organization and the skills of the potential employee. For instance, an organization might invest in apprenticeship programs where candidates can learn on the job and gain experience to complement their training. It is the responsibility of the company to provide the appropriate environment and resources to ensure that the candidates can undergo their training with ease.


The advantages of the hire train deploy program are numerous. It opens up opportunities to bring in new talent and invests in the skill-sets of potential jobseekers. It allows organizations to find the right employees with the right capabilities, even if they do not have the required experience. Companies can also reduce the risk of long-term employees leaving their roles by investing in skills-focused training programs.

●      Cost Cutting

Moreover, organizations can save a significant amount of money and time by investing in the train and hire model. Recruitment and training processes can be expensive in their traditional forms. This model allows companies to cut costs while ensuring that the new recruit is fully invested in the role. In addition, this model eliminates costly recruitment ceremonies as a trained employee eliminates the need for an extensive orientation process.  

●    Commitment

Finally, because the training process is conducted solely for the company, employees are well-versed with the organization’s practices, values and culture. This can further foster commitment and dedication from the employee’s side and lead to a successful relationship between the two parties in the future.

Although the train and hire model has numerous advantages, there are some associated challenges that organizations must be mindful of. For one, there is the risk of potential mismatches between the skills of the potential jobseekers and the needs of the organization. This can be particularly challenging for organizations due to the investment required to conduct the training process. Organizations must enlist the help of recruitment specialists to ensure that the recruited candidates match the desired skill-sets of the organization.

In addition, the train and hire model requires a considerable amount of time upfront. Organizations need to ensure that the recruitment and training processes are properly planned and implemented so as to avoid any unnecessary delays in the onboarding process. Furthermore, the organization needs to be equipped to handle the training process as well as any unexpected challenges that may arise during the process.

Finally, recruitment processes using the train and hire model is still relatively new, and there is a certain degree of uncertainty surrounding how successful it can be in the long-term. Organizations must approach the process cautiously and consider various factors such as the organization’s size and resources, the capabilities of the recruiters and the engagement of existing employees before embarking on this alternative recruitment method.


In conclusion, the train and hire model provides a useful solution for organizations looking to fill vacancies with the right personnel and skillsets. This model offers numerous advantages such as reduced recruitment and onboarding costs, improved efficiency and employee commitment, and a flexible approach to training. However, there are some associated challenges and organizations must be mindful of them before taking on this recruitment route. With proper planning and commitment, the train and hire model can be a successful alternative for organizations in need of new talent and resources.

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