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8 Reasons Why You Should Choose Node JS For Web Development?

Jack Salvator
8 Reasons Why You Should Choose Node JS For Web Development?

For the last few years, Node.js development gets huge popularity that others in back-end development as one of the widely used programming languages of JavaScript families. That makes it a most favorable cross-platform web and mobile app development technology.

With using Node.js is based on JavaScript and applies to both front-end and back-end development which makes Node.js sturdiness for the whole application. That’s why Node.js development companies make it the first choice to work with  JavaScript technologies.

What is Node JS?

Node.js is an open-source cross-platform runtime environment based on JavaScript technology and written in JavaScript and C/C++ of Google Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine. Node.js is used server-side communication channel and makes real-time applications. Node.js support a single-threaded event-based loop to make all execution non-blocking. Node.js is a JavaScript base program that works for both front-end and back-end development.

Why choose Node.js?

1. Faster

Node.js support JavaScript code that transfers to machine code and helps to get speed and efficiency due to Google Chrome’s powerful V8 JavaScript engine. It uses a single-threaded asynchronous architecture that can handle the critical task of web development fast and easily.

2. Real-time development

Node.js enables developers to build an event-driven real-time web application. Also, Node.js offers multi-user features handled by a web socket protocol event loop. It works on TCP and avoids HTTP overload.

3. Hosting 

Node.js hosting helps to reduce the number of servers required to host the application and reduce the page load time by half. Node.js provide Platform-as-a-Service (Paas) vendors and modulus that perform with one command without any errors.

4. Event loop

Node.js is an event-driven function that develops APIs in the Node.js library and it calls the APIs following the built-in notification mechanism that helps the server to gain the return call from the previous API.

5. Scalable

Node.js use microservice in which it distributes application into multiple processes. This process is in sync with the growing user request. Speedy background processes convert low-lag operation and increase scalable productivity.

6. Data streaming 

Node.js support I/O support application that users can transcode multimedia files equally as it is uploaded onto the server. That makes Node.js a manageable procedure of provision that writes data streams onto WebSockets.

7. Stimulate

Node.js is an integrated technology that comprises a shared repository of configurable modules and features. It enables developers to update, customize or reuse codes easily. Also, it helps a designer to create the best work through Node.js package management (NPM).

8. Single codebase

Node.js turn JavaScript into a server and client application that helps developers automatically communicate and sync their data between these locations. The source code is clear and unified as JavaScript is the only language used on both sides.

Bottom line

Node.js technology is one of the advanced technology that offers an appropriate feature for building high-end real-time web applications. Node.js is improving with technology advancements among other open-source JavaScript platforms like React.js, Vue.js, Angular.js, and others. If you want an open-source web development framework that can help to develop a fast and easy web application, you can go through Node.js technology.

Jack Salvator
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