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5 Reasons Your Need To Get A New Home Inverter

Genus Innovation Limited
5 Reasons Your Need To Get A New Home Inverter

In current times, installing the best inverter for home has become more of a necessity than a luxury. Rise in load shedding and power cuts can hamper your work and personal comfort, especially during the summer season. One easy way to mitigate the problems of power outages is to install an efficient power backup system at home. Given the important role inverters play in our everyday lives, it is essential to have a basic understanding of signs indicating that you need a new inverter.

The performance of inverters and inverter batteries tends to dwindle over time due to extended use. An Inverter battery is an integral component of a power system that not only enhances the performance of an inverter but also increases its shelf-life. So, if your inverter is not performing like it used to or is facing recurring problems, you should consider upgrading to an inverter with better and advanced technology. Here are five reasons why you should upgrade your inverter: 

  • Increased Load Requirements

With time, the load requirements of your home also change. The number of devices you wish to run during power cuts count as the load for your inverter. Over time, you will buy new devices and appliances that build up the load which your current inverter might not be able to handle. 

If you happen to exceed inverter capacity in some way, you may end up harming your inverter or your appliances, or both. In such scenarios, buying the best inverter for home that is capable of efficiently handling the load requirements would be a wise decision. We would recommend taking note of your power needs and VA (Voltage Ampere) rating when deciding to upgrade your inverter.  

  • The inverter is Not Charging Properly 

Charging issues are one of the most common problems that occur with inverter batteries. In most cases, the complication is a dead battery, or there is some fault with grade separators. You can either get the battery replaced or buy a new one. Incomplete charging problems can also arise due to rusted terminals, burnt rectifiers, fused active materials, or some electrical fault in the main board. Consult a professional technician to figure out the root cause and decide you corrective decision depending on the situation. 

  • Overcharging, Undercharging or Overdischarging of Inverter Battery 

For optimal performance, conditions like immoderate or inadequate charging, or not charging at all, shouldn’t occur with your inverter battery. Overcharging your inverter battery can cause gassing and internal heat, leading to the removal of active materials from plates. Undercharging can cause sulpahte particles to settle on the battery plates, leading to failure in delivering the required power supply. Overdischarging of inverter batteries can lead to hydration in lead-acid batteries leading to permanent damage. Properly maintaining the charge level of an inverter battery is important to ensure its longevity and optimal performance. 

Also Read: Right Solar Solution for home

  • You Are Unable To Turn On Your Inverter 

Usually, weak or disconnected batteries, loose battery terminals, or a tripped inverter are the reasons behind an inverter failing to power on. In case of an overload, you can fix it by pressing the reset button. If you find the battery terminals loose or corroded, clean them well before fixing them back. And if you already know your inverter is pretty old and facing such problems, it's time to upgrade to the best inverter for home without giving it any second thought. 

  • Humming Sound When Inverter Is In Backup Mode 

The humming noise that you hear when the inverter is in backup mode is often caused by waveform deterrence. This is a common issue with older inverters that use square wave technology. A solution to this problem is to upgrade to a sine wave inverter. Sine wave inverters provide better power backup and produce no noise. 


In conclusion, upgrading your inverter and installing efficient solar products for home is a smart investment for any homeowner. Not only does it improve the efficiency of your home's electrical system, but it also increases energy savings and provides greater reliability during power outages. 

Additionally, new inverters offer advanced features such as remote monitoring and control, making it even easier to manage your home's energy usage. Don't wait any longer, upgrade your inverter today and start enjoying all the benefits it has to offer.

Contact us today and our professional sales executives will guide you through identifying your requirements and finding the best inverter solutions without breaking your bank. We at Genus Innovation are known for the best in class product solutions and excellent customer service. Choose Genus Innovation, Choose Sustainability.   

Related post : Inverter Not Charging? These Might be The Reasons

Genus Innovation Limited
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