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The U.S. Overthrowing the Barriers and Embracing E-Buses at Pace

Pramod Kumr
The U.S. Overthrowing the Barriers and Embracing E-Buses at Pace

Traveling by bus is one of the easiest ways to combat climate change. By replacing a car with a bus, travel emissions can be reduced by one-third. Electric buses offer better emission reductions. A Transportation Research Board report found that an e- bus has 62% fewer emissions than its diesel counterpart. So, converting diesel buses to electric ones can have a significant impact. Though, e- buses acceptance has been slow in the U.S., with the global number soring. But post a rather lethargic beginning, cities are finally embracing electric buses.

Just like e-cars, e-buses cost more initially. A report estimated that a diesel bus would be around $500,000, and an electric one around $750,000. Though, e- buses produce substantial fuel and upkeep savings over their lifetimes.

Many barriers were there for the cities in the U.S. to complete the adoption of e-buses. Firstly, there was a lack of charging infra. Early e-bus models also had limited range, making them unreasonable for locations in cooler climates where heaters drain the battery further quickly.

How the Barriers were Stepped Aside

E-buses can be kept on the road for a longer duration with on-route charging. With chargers at bus stops, the bus can charge while passengers board and de-board. These chargers can be positioned overhead, connecting to the rooftop of the bus when it stops, or the bus is wirelessly charged. By improving the charge along the way, the buses can be on the road for long without a huge battery.

With further options and better performance accessible, North American cities are switching. About 800 e-buses were sold in the U.S. and Canada in 2020. LA aims to convert its entire fleet by 2028. By 2040, California plans to do the same.

With the increasing level of pollution in the country and the government trying its best to control the emissions, the need for e-buses is on the roll.

Learn about the Electric bus market growth drivers, challenges, and future prospects

Pramod Kumr
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