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Types and Names of Pink Flowers

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Types and Names of Pink Flowers

Where do pink flowers come from, and what do they symbolize? Pink flowers are a sign of affection and love. Alumroots, orchids, asters, and many more fall within the category of pink flowers. It's not uncommon to see pink flower designs for weddings or other cheerful events. Here, then, are the names and images of some pink flowers.


Cosmos They're a vibrant pink and have a light, sweet scent. Cosmos bipinnatus, often known as the garden cosmos, is a member of the lily family. The summer is when they reach their full size.


These plants may reach a height of 5cm and have a pinkish-red tint. The genus name for the family of flowering plants known as asters is derived from the Greek word for star. Similar to the last example, these blossoms are rather small. High latitudes and frequent snowfall are ideal conditions for the growth of aster.


The blossoms of an azalea plant are a delicate shade of pink. Shrubs of the genus Rhododendron are known as azaleas because of their colorful blooms. These little bell-shaped blossoms are a summertime staple. Since they can adapt to living in the shadow, they gravitate towards areas with trees.


About one hundred different kinds of bulbous plants belonging to the lily family are known as tulips (Liliaceae). Planting tulip bulbs in the fall is highly recommended. It's best to wait until the soil has cooled down after the summer growing season before planting, which in colder areas may be as late as September.

Pink rose

One of the world's most stunning blossoms. There are many species of the Rosa genus that have pink blooms. In general, pink roses bloom at irregular intervals throughout the growing season.


One of the world's most stunning blossoms. Hortensia is another name for this plant. You may enjoy their flowers from early spring until late fall. In floral arrangements, hydrangeas provide a wide spectrum of pink tones.

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