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Case Study: Agile at scale led by SPOTIFY model for a UK based Product Engineering Firm | Benzne Consulting Pvt Ltd

Benzne Agile Consulting
Case Study: Agile at scale led by SPOTIFY model for a UK based Product Engineering Firm | Benzne Consulting Pvt Ltd

Agile at scale is the application of Agile practices and principles to large groups and organizations. This includes teams that are distributed geographically and/or have multiple stakeholders. Agile at scale aims to ensure that Agile practices and principles are applied consistently across all teams, departments, and organizations. It also ensures that teams are able to collaborate effectively and efficiently to achieve their goals. Ultimately, Agile at scale helps organizations to reduce waste, improve quality, and increase velocity.

The SPOTIFY model is an Agile software development methodology that focuses on cross-functional teams collaborating on a product’s development. This model encourages teams to work together, build trust, and have an open and transparent communication. The key elements of the model are:

  1. Cross-functional teams
  2. Automation

3. Continuous delivery and deployment

4. Experimentation and learning

5. Small incremental changes

6. Continuous feedback.

How can Benzne assist you in your Agile Transformation Journey?

Benzne can assist you by providing strategic guidance, customized solutions, and expertise in the areas of Agile adoption and transformation. Our team of experienced consultants utilizes a wide range of industry-specific tools and techniques to help our clients in their agile transformation journey. We can also help develop the necessary strategies and plans necessary to implement the changes needed to achieve these goals.

To know more or set up a discussion with our team of Hands-on Agile practitioners, contact: 📧 consult@benzne.com 🌐 https://benzne.com/

Visit our case study page to learn more https://benzne.com/agile-case-study/

Benzne Agile Consulting
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