Android and iOS are the two most popular app development platforms and both are different from one another not only development level but also at the design and marketing strategy level.
Are you planning to build a mobile application for your business the first question is to rise which mobile app development platform you want to build a mobile application between Android or iOS. Because the entire process of development of your application will rely on the operating system that you choose.
8 key differences between Android and iOS app development
1. Programming Language
Android applications are developed mostly with Java and Kotlin where as iOS apps are written in Objective-C and Swift programming languages. This difference in programming language requires different tech stacks that make the development process different.
2. Design
iOS apps’ remarkable identity is its design strategy. The iOS app design strategy is different from the Android design that is being created for limited variations of screen size and resolutions. On other hand, the Android app design strategy accepts every screen size and resolution.
3. Revenue strategy
Instead of offering variations in the mobile app development process, iOS app development is more concentrated on purchased apps However a large part of Google-supported applications makes their money through ad monetizations. In-app purchases have been steady growth in both Android and iOS platforms.
4. Users
At global market share, Android stays ahead of Apple and claims 71.6% global market share whereas, iOS share 27.3% market share. This show the majority of global user own Android phone. In contrast, iOS app users are limited mostly to Europe, North America, and Japan. And as per gender, men are more likely to use Android phones and women choose iOS devices.
5. Development Resources
Google and Apple both offer different tools for developers for building and launching applications successfully. Android app development tools are easy to set up and manage than Apple. Further, Google also provides a variety of resources for developers with different skill prospects like design layout, etc. that are more helpful for beginners and complex design for experts. Apple offers an API, SwiftUI design tools, to help developers with layout and design.
6. Open-source vs Cloud-resource
Android offers open-source code, whereas iOS offers closed-resource code for development. Closed source code is not publicly accessible. Unlike iOS, Android’s open-source code is available and accessible to a developer publicly. Android’s open-source architecture provides developers with more customization options for building applications by modifying the core features of the apps.
7. Budget
When it comes to the mobile app development cost of developing applications the difference comes with the Android app because developers will require more resources to work with different screen sizes and resolutions which is the major point in the case of iOS app development.
8. Publishing
App publishing in the Play store is a very easy process that mostly takes a little time for an app to go live after approval.
Whereas Apple store first tests your application by every side and verifies it in-depth and then approves it. This is a very time-consuming process and also more costly than the Google Play store.
Bottom line
It is quite challenging to choose which platform you want. Choosing between Android and iOS app development platforms depends on the requirement of the project need, business strategy, targeted audience, and development cost. If you like to target a premium audience and also have a quite more budget go for iOS. In contrast, if you want to target a global audience and have a limited budget then Android is best for you. Need to hire a dedicated Android app development company or iOS app development company that provides better and more profitable app development solutions for your enterprise.