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The 4 Characteristics of Custom Home Furniture You Should Know

 The 4 Characteristics of Custom Home Furniture You Should Know

In recent years, custom home furniture has become more and more popular because it reflects people's individual needs. Although custom-made furniture is more expensive than finished furniture, it has great advantages compared with ready-made furniture in terms of space utilization, time-saving, diversified style, style matching, and material selection. Many people mistakenly believe that custom-built furniture is nothing more than a pursuit of unique style and stylish appearance, today we share the 4 characteristics of custom home furniture.

china high end custom home furniture factory and company-interi furniture

1:Time-saving And Convenience

​In the past, when people bought furniture, they needed to go to the furniture store to choose, and the furniture they bought might not be suitable.It is very tiring and inconvenient. This problem does not occur with custom home furniture. Because the designers will design the appropriate full-house custom furniture according to the size of your house and your style requirements, not only has a beautiful appearance, but also a one-time solution.

china high end custom home furniture factory and company-interi furniture

2.The Materials Used Affect The Price of The Product

Why is the price difference between custom furniture of the same appearance so different? The reason is that the different materials and processes used to custom-made furniture can result in different prices. For example, solid wood furniture is more expensive than wood-based panel furniture made of particleboard and fiberboard.

china high end custom home furniture factory and company-interi furniture

3.Maximize The use of Space

​The biggest advantage of custom-made furniture compared to ready-made furniture is that it can make good use of every space in the house. Take the example of a custom wardrobe, no matter it is a regular wardrobe, a corner wardrobe, or a closet, they can be well integrated with the layout of the apartment, and can maximize the use of space of the house, greatly improving the function of furniture use.

china high end custom home furniture factory and company-interi furniture

4. More Perfect Match Decoration Effect

​The custom home furniture is built according to the personal preference for furnishing style and furniture functions, and is systematically produced without uneven machining operations, especially in the handling of some corner details and irregular small units. Custom furniture in the whole house can often be displayed more perfect.

china high end custom home furniture factory and company-interi furniture

​When you purchase custom home furniture, you can consider the brand awareness, market reputation, manufacturing process, product quality and after-sales service of the furniture supplier. If you have plans to purchase custom home furniture in China, Interi Furniture is one of your best options. Interi Furniture is a manufacturer with more than 15 years of experience in high-end custom furniture, focusing on providing professional services to clients such as hotels, villas, apartments and private houses. If you have any questions about custom home furniture, please feel free to contact us.

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