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Post-harvest Treatment Market Will Hit Big Revenues In Future

Post-harvest Treatment Market Will Hit Big Revenues In Future

The Post-harvest Treatment Market is projected to reach USD 2.7 billion by 2028 from USD 1.7 billion by 2022, at a CAGR of 7.8% during the forecast period in terms of value. Greater efforts by the public and private sectors to reduce post-harvest losses while enhancing value and enhancing food safety will fuel demand.

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Coating was the type which accounted largest share in the market in 2022

Preservative coatings for fruits and vegetables include polysaccharides, proteins, lipids, and resins. In citrus, pome, and stone fruits, edible coatings and wax are broadly used. China and India are the highest producers of citrus and stone fruits like mango, apple, and peaches, translating into a high demand for coatings. Thus, the Asia Pacific is estimated to be the largest market for post-harvest coatings.

Synthetic chemical is in high demand to minimize microbial spoilage of produce

Synthetic post-harvest treatment chemicals are applied to fruits & vegetables during storage or transportation to delay senescence, minimize spoilage, and improve appearance and marketability. Coatings, fungicides, and other chemicals are commonly used before fruits are marketed or stored under refrigerated conditions. These chemicals are effective in reducing chilling injury in refrigerated conditions. Due to innovative product development by leading manufacturing companies such as Xeda International (France) and Fomesa Fruitech (Spain), various new and effective synthetic chemicals like sanitizers are being developed, which cause less damage to the environment.

Banana accounted second largest market share in 2022

Bananas are one of the most popular fruits worldwide because of their economic importance. The major players in terms of banana production include India, China, the Philippines, Ecuador, Brazil, and Indonesia. Post-harvest products aid in extending the shelf life of bananas and maintaining their quality until they reach their consumers. Therefore, the market for post-harvest treatment of bananas is expected to register significant growth in the near future.

Huge potential for production and export of fresh produce to drive market for post-harvest treatment in Africa

The production of various high-quality fruits such as apples, pears, and table grapes has increased in these countries in the past few years, as growers are increasingly producing new orchards. Exports from the country has also increased which offers lucrative opportunities for the post-harvest treatment market in the region. Moreover, to reduce post-harvest losses, African government has adopted eight commitments for accelerated agricultural growth, which have target to halve the current levels of Post-Harvest Losses by the year 2025. Such inititaives are expected to fuel market growth for post-harvest treatment in these African countries.

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This report includes a study on the marketing and development strategies, along with the product portfolios of leading companies. It consists of profiles of leading companies, such as JBT Corporation (US), Syngenta (Switzerland), Nufarm (Australia), Bayer (Germany), BASF (Germany), AgroFresh (US), Decco (US), Pace International (US), Xeda International (France), Fomesa Fruitech (Spain), Citrosol (Spain), Post Harvest Solution Ltd. (New Zealand), Janssen PMP (Belgium), Colin Campbell Pty Ltd (Australia), Futureco Bioscience (Spain), Apeel Sciences (US), Polynatural (Chile), Sufresca (Israel), Ceradis (Netherlands), and AgriCoat NatureSeal Ltd. (UK).

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