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Foods that help boost testosterone levels

Harborcompounding Pharmacy
Foods that help boost testosterone levels

Testosterone is a sex hormone that affects:

  • sex drive
  • muscles and bones health
  • sperm production
  • platelet production

Testosterone levels decline as you age. However, different factors can also cause low testosterone, including specific medications, high body fat, and medical issues.

Low testosterone is also called hypogonadism or low T. In this condition, testosterone levels fall beneath 300 nanograms/deciliter (ng/dL). You can treat low testosterone conditions through testosterone replacement treatment.

Hypogonadism is very normal as 40% of men over 45 years of age and 50% of men in their 80s are considered hypogonadal. A health-promoting lifestyle, including diet, is essential for maintaining balanced testosterone levels. Various studies have found that diets high in ultra-processed foods and low in nutrient-dense foods may reduce testosterone levels.

If you are experiencing low testosterone levels, you should follow a specialist's prescription. You can also consider adopting a dietary pattern that is rich in foods containing the necessary nutrients for maintaining healthy testosterone levels. These include vitamin D, magnesium, zinc, etc.

However, there's still limited research on the impact of specific foods on testosterone levels.

This article covers a few foods that are rich in these nutrients, which are essential for promoting healthy testosterone levels:

  1. Green vegetables

Dark and leafy green vegetables are an excellent source of micronutrients, including magnesium, which is an essential mineral for maintaining optimal testosterone levels, especially in older men. It's considered that magnesium helps testosterone bioactivity in the body speed up as magnesium reduces oxidative stress, which refers to a condition in which antioxidant defenses and free radicals in the body are imbalanced. Oxidative stress and inflammation can cause a reduction in testosterone. Hence introducing nutrients that fight these may help maintain healthy levels of testosterone.

A study of 399 men aged 65 and older concluded that those with higher magnesium levels had higher testosterone levels than those with lower magnesium levels. Additionally, research on Taiwanese men found that a low intake of leafy green vegetables was linked to lower testosterone levels. Therefore, it can be concluded that eating more magnesium-rich foods, such as spinach, kale, and collard greens may help promote healthy testosterone levels.

  1. Avocados

Avocados provide healthy fat for normal hormonal functioning. Also, they contain magnesium and boron, which studies indicate may benefit testosterone levels. Boron is a trace mineral that influences testosterone metabolism in the body and may protect against testosterone reduction.

Harborcompounding Pharmacy
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