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How to Get the Best-Fitting Maternity Jeans

Seven Women Maternity
How to Get the Best-Fitting Maternity Jeans

Pregnancy changes your body, and these changes can often last beyond childbirth and affect your self-image. A stylish pair of maternity jeans that fit properly can give you a sense of comfort and confidence as you embark on the journey of motherhood. Here are all the basics you need to know about how to get the best-fitting maternity jeans in Canada.


When Should You Get Maternity Jeans?


There's no definitive timeline for when you should start wearing maternity jeans (or maternity clothing in general) during your pregnancy. Everybody’s experience is different, so the best guide to follow is your own comfort level.


Keep an eye out for any changes in fit with your current clothes. Put simply, if regular pants stop fitting comfortably or aren't buttoning anymore, then it might be time to trade your regular skinny jeans for maternity skinny jeans. Check out our stylish selection of designer maternity pants, including Seraphine jeans that celebrities (and royals!) routinely wear and love.


What Size Maternity Jeans Should You Buy?


If you’re buying your jeans in person, select several sizes of one garment (pre-pregnancy size and one bigger and smaller than that). Try them all out in the fitting room and determine which one is most comfortable. If you can come to our Toronto boutique, we can help you find the perfect fit.


If you’re buying online, we recommend that you choose your pre-pregnancy size unless otherwise specified on the product's size chart. The denim may feel tight at first, but it will become more comfortable with each use and wash.


A larger size may end up being too loose at the bottom and thighs, requiring you to pull and tug at them to keep them from hitching up.


More than the size, it’s how you feel in the jeans that matters. Your maternity jeans should be comfortable yet snug. The fabrics used in them have more stretch than regular ones, so you should be able to move freely. Your jean should also be secure around the waist without squeezing too tightly on your belly area.


What Style Should You Get?


Some ladies favor over-the-belly styles for extra support, while others may not want anything touching their tummy. This will show you how low the jeans sit on your body and at the back. If you're not used to wearing hipsters or low-waisted styles, choose a pair with an all-around belly band or over-bump design instead.


Your preference can shift as your pregnancy progresses, especially if you start feeling more sensitive or itchy around your bump area. Underbelly leggings tend to be ideal during this stage and post birth when you'll need assistance recovering from labor.

Seven Women Maternity
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