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Teeth Whitening Maintenance: Caring for Your Pearly Whites

Teeth Whitening Maintenance: Caring for Your Pearly Whites

Getting your teeth whitened is an exciting event, but what happens afterward? It’s important to follow proper aftercare rules to maintain your beautiful, white teeth — and luckily, it’s not too difficult. Read our simple guide on post-teeth whitening care for tips and recommendations on how to keep your smile shining!

Start by Avoiding Foods That Stain

After you’ve had your teeth whitened, one of the best ways to keep your smile looking its brightest is by avoiding antagonists. That means staying away from food and drinks that will stain your teeth, including curry, coffee, tea, red wine, and juice. Equally as important is avoiding smoking or vaping after the treatment. Tobacco can cause staining very quickly. By steering clear of these types of things, you can make sure your teeth stay healthy and white for longer!

Get Your Fluoride

A main part of post-whitening dental care is making sure your teeth stay strong and protected from decay. One way to do that is to make sure you use fluoride products like toothpaste and mouthwash after whitening. Fluoride can help remineralize the enamel on your teeth and protect them from damage caused by acids or sugary snacks. Ask your dentist which type of fluoride product they recommend for the best results!

Brush, Floss, and Rinse Regularly

One of the best ways to take care of your teeth after a whitening procedure is to maintain proper oral hygiene habits. Be sure to brush your teeth twice a day for two minutes with fluoride toothpaste, floss at least once daily, and use mouthwash regularly. These practices will help keep your pearly whites strong and healthy by preventing plaque buildup and cavities. Additionally, be sure to visit your dentist frequently as they may recommend additional cleaning tips or treatment options as needed.

Take Water Everywhere You Go

For an added boost to your whitening efforts, be sure to carry a water bottle with you wherever you go! Not only will staying hydrated help increase saliva production which helps protect teeth enamel but drinking water after eating can also wash away sugars and acids that contribute to plaque. Incorporating this habit within your daily routine is an easy way to ensure your sparkling smile stays bright in between appointments with your dental specialist!

Put Down That Cigarette!

Cigarettes are notorious for staining teeth, so one of the most important aspects when it comes to post-whitening maintenance is avoiding smoking. Using tobacco products will not only mar your newly whitened teeth but can also have effects such as bacteria build-up and dry mouth due to dehydration. Quitting smoking should top your list of things to do once you’ve finished whitening for optimal results!

Now, you don't have to leave your home to get your teeth checked! Risio Home Dental Care aims to bridge the gap between the dentist and patient with its dedicated, one-on-one dental consultations in the comfort of their home and time. 

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