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Popular Brands Making Their Way in Web3

Tushar Verma
Popular Brands Making Their Way in Web3

Web3 is the newest Internet iteration, focusing on mobilizing key technologies like blockchains, cryptocurrencies, and NFTs to help legitimize the space. Blockchain technology, a decentralized digital ledger for storing transactions, is the foundation of Web 3.0.

In a blockchain, data is stored in blocks, and each block is connected to its simultaneous blocks forming a chain. Two blocks are interconnected using cryptography encryption, each with a transparency timestamp.

Additionally, there is no central authority to verify the data in a decentralized cluster. The system is made up of numerous network nodes that validate the information kept on the ledger. As conducting business via Web3 becomes more secure and profitable, more brands are beginning to embrace Web3 technologies – and its marketing opportunities. 

Here are Significant Brands Executing Web3


Facebook comes first on the list as the company recently rebranded under the name "Meta." Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Meta, has been outspoken about his desire to turn the social media platform into a full-fledged Metaverse organization. The name change was a vital first step to reflect this shift in strategy. The spearhead's goal is to create a web cluster that is more user-friendly and interoperable.

It's interesting to note that Meta has been in trouble with the law regarding its native cryptocurrency for a long time. The company is forced to postpone the launch of its cryptocurrency due to the string of problems surrounding the project. Zuckerberg is open to investigating the cryptocurrency industry; however, he has not given up on the ideas.

The company has applied for numerous trademarks in the cryptocurrency industry with regulatory organizations. Concepts for blockchain software, tokens, cryptocurrency trading, Metaverse wallets, and cryptocurrency wallet solutions were all included in the applications.


Twitter has aggressively supported the NFT wave. People can freely share information and communicate with one another on Twitter. The number of posts from cryptocurrency enthusiasts sharing their first trade experience with their followers has significantly increased recently, according to the portal.

Non-Fungible Tokens exploded in popularity in 2021, and in 2022 the trend for these digital collectibles is still going strong. NFTs represent actual objects and grant users the right to a portion of priceless commodities like works of art, merchandise, records of music, etc.

Following the fashion, Twitter let Twitter Blue subscribers select an NFT as their profile photo. For users that have validated NFTs, digital assets are shown in a hexagonal form on their profiles.iPhone users that reside in the United States, Canada, Australia, or New Zealand can use the facility.

Additionally, the portal has restricted this service to NFTs created on Ethereum and kept on the OpenSea exchange. Twitter's rising interest in NFTs reflects its impending ambitions for more significant development in the sector.


Instagram CEO, Adam Mosseri, revealed the company's ambitions to investigate NFTs to broaden the application of Web3 technology. According to Zuckerberg, NFTs will soon be a component of the Instagram ecosystem.

The Meta Chief stressed that they could seamlessly reach people through Instagram by integrating NFTs over the coming months. In the context of the well-known photo-sharing app, the company also plans to permit NFT minting. Mark Zuckerberg is attempting to create the Web 3 through social media platforms, which is one of his key objectives..Read More

Tushar Verma
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