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What is the hardest thing about studying abroad? - MyStudia

What is the hardest thing about studying abroad? - MyStudia

Studying abroad is a rewarding experience; However, it comes with its own challenges. When you live thousands of miles away from your home, leading your life on your own, you have to deal with your routine challenges. It can be your personal life, daily activities, emotional parts, academics, or work life.

We, as a consultant, have heard many stories of students, who have shifted abroad with MyStudia's help, and kept in touch with us, about the challenges they have faced. Let’s bifurcate some of the main things and talk about them.

Different Culture

Adjusting to a new culture can be difficult and overwhelming, especially if you are not familiar with the local language, customs, and social norms.


Being away from family and friends can be emotionally challenging, and students may feel isolated or lonely at times. Many of my friends who shifted abroad have started texting us more than usual in initial period of their relocation to other country. It is fine to do that but focusing on routine and making new friends there can help you deal with it.

Financial issues

Studying abroad can be expensive, and students may struggle with managing their finances and finding ways to pay for tuition, accommodation, and daily expenses. Finding work, loan, scholarships and other financial arrangements can help, but you learn to plan your budget.

Academic differences

Education systems can vary greatly between countries and students may struggle with adapting to new teaching styles and academic expectations. It is difficult to understand the systems initially but taking help from seniors, local students or professors can help you with that.

Language barriers

If the language of instruction is different from the student's native language, it can be challenging to follow lectures, read textbooks, and communicate with classmates and professors. It is not difficult to learn language but it does take some time to adjust with the same.

Adapting new lifestyle

You have to adjust with completely different life, accommodation, food, transportation and other daily routines that will be different from your life at home.

Studying abroad is overall a wonderful experience with lot of learning opportunities but there are certain parts that are hard for students living away from their home. But remember, there is no challenge you cannot overcome. These hardships will make you a stronger individual.

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